How To Be With A Mother-in-law

How To Be With A Mother-in-law
How To Be With A Mother-in-law

Table of contents:


Relationships with the husband's family do not always work out in the best way. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a common language with them, and most often misunderstandings arise with the spouse's closest and closest person - his mother. No matter how hard it is, you need to be able to establish at least "tense" relationships.


Step 1

Remember that no matter what the mother-in-law is, she is the husband's mother, so you need to have respect for her. Do not remind your spouse about your relationship again. Moreover, do not turn him against her. By exposing yourself in the best possible light, you can achieve the opposite result. Think about the fact that it is difficult for a man to be torn between two beloved women, although they are loved in different ways.

Step 2

Communicate with your mother-in-law, even if it is unpleasant for you to do so. Nobody forces you to tell the most intimate, but you can and even need to talk about abstract topics so as not to worsen the relationship. Talk about children, mutual acquaintances, just about the weather.

Step 3

Take her side and think about how you would behave in her place. Maybe you are going overboard? Do not behave in a way that you would not want to be behaved with you. Remember that you are also a future mother-in-law. What kind of relationship do you want with your daughter-in-law?

Step 4

Think maybe you are too critical of your mother-in-law? Don't judge her harshly. Perhaps she loves her son very much and cannot come to terms with the fact that you took the number one place next to him. She was used to caring for him herself, used to being an authority. For any woman, a son's wedding is a shock. Someone accepts and understands these changes quickly, someone cannot accept this for many years. In this regard, you need to be patient and try to change the current situation.

Step 5

Do not succumb to provocations from the mother-in-law, if any. Be wiser. Do not conflict once more, so as not to exacerbate the situation. Talk to her alone. Try to convince her that you want to communicate well and have nothing against her. If she does not make contact, do not blame or swear with her. Show respect, and it may not be right away, but she will definitely appreciate your attitude.
