There are many women who dream of how to tie a man to themselves, to fall in love with him, to learn how to manage him imperceptibly. For some lucky women, this skill is given almost from birth. It seems that they have comprehended the secret by which they manage to be happy and loved and always get what they want from men. However, other women have a chance to learn this.

To begin with, you should think about your appearance. Usually a man wants to see a beautiful and well-groomed woman next to him. Moreover, she should look good not only when she goes out, but also at home. Therefore, you should not show yourself to him in a washed bathrobe or with a cucumber mask on your face.
In addition, it should be remembered that a woman should be an outlet for her man. She should be able to always support, cheer him up, help him relieve tension or stress. Whatever happens, you need to be able to give your man positive emotions.
Of course, serious problems can happen in the life of a woman herself. In this case, you should calmly tell the man about what happened and ask him for help. If he really loves, he will only be happy to help his beloved woman.
One of the most important factors affecting a man is a smile. Many representatives of the stronger sex cannot refuse their lady's request, which is accompanied by a charming smile. However, it should be remembered that the smile must be completely sincere and, importantly, timely.
To tie a man to yourself, you just need to learn to listen to him. At the same time, one should show a completely genuine interest in his opinion on a variety of issues. Most men are very fond of when women consult with them, even if, in the end, they do everything their own way.
In no case should you constantly control a man and try to turn him into a henpecked one. He must not guess that he is being manipulated.
In addition, you should be interested in a man's hobbies and try to share them. For example, even if a woman cannot stand football at all, it does not hurt her to ask her companion from time to time about the results of an exciting match. And if she agrees to spend an evening with him watching football, in the future he will prefer her company to any other. Of course, all this can apply to any other hobby of a man.
As you know, since primitive times, men have a hunting instinct. Therefore, they just need to feel like conquerors. No matter how much a woman is in love, she should not immediately throw herself on the neck of her chosen one. Let him make an effort to get it. After all, what is too easy to get, quickly loses its value.
The eternal role of a man is to be the protector of those who are weaker. Therefore, a woman does not need to be afraid to show her weakness. Even if she can easily lift heavy bags, hammer nails and fix electrical appliances, it is better for her to ask a man for help.
You should not try to lower the self-esteem of your chosen one, constantly criticizing and humiliating him. On the contrary, you need to praise and encourage him to feel like a real man.
One should not think that by tying a man to herself, a woman achieves advantages only for herself. First of all, she wants to make her loved one truly happy. The main thing is that he understands that she is the only one he dreamed of all his life.