In Russia, most families are hesitant to have more than two children. And in general, families with many children are often treated with negative vigilance, arguing that children in such families receive less warmth and care, it is more difficult to teach them that they have to live in cramped conditions and material insecurity. However, raising a family with many children has many advantages.

Step 1
Any family, especially a large one, is a miniature society, where a child learns to interact and communicate with the people around him. Children learn from each other's example. They interact with each other: they communicate, play, read books, with a small participation of their parents. A child in a large family quickly acquires self-care skills and becomes independent. As a result, this greatly facilitates the life of the child in the future. After all, the most important task of parents is to teach children to do without them.
Step 2
Growing up in a large family is a great happiness for the children themselves, it will always be fun and interesting for them. Older children prolong childhood in the process of playing with younger brothers and sisters. Children in such families will never be lonely, because people close by blood will always help, help out in difficult times and give good advice.
Step 3
Also, children who grew up in such a family learn to correctly conflict with each other, show flexibility, respect for the opinions of others, which will also have a positive effect on the development of communication skills and success in the future. They spend their time at the computer much less often. And, consequently, they spend less of their precious time, spending hours in Skype, ICQ, and classmates and playing games.
Step 4
Children raised in large families are less likely to get divorced. Family is work, caring for each other, and as the cat Matroskin from the famous cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" said - "Joint work unites for my benefit!" And a sociologist from the United States, Philip Margan, is sure that people from large families are more focused on family life in general.