From birth to 3 years old, babies do not really need communication and friendship with their peers. The most important thing for them is that adults are always there and play with them. However, when a child turns 3 years old, you cannot limit his communication with other children, because the baby needs to develop, learn to get acquainted and communicate with peers. Therefore, the task for parents is to teach their baby to play with other children.

Step 1
It will be better if your child's first acquaintances with other babies take place under your supervision and in a comfortable, familiar environment, and not in a kindergarten, where unfamiliar teachers and children will cause stress for the baby. Choose a time for your baby's first acquaintance with other children so that no other business can distract you. Remember a few rules, and then new acquaintances and new friends of your child will become a joyful event for both you and your baby.
Step 2
Choose a place to meet your kids where nothing will scare the kids. It can be a playground, park or some kind of children's party. Such an acquaintance will also leave a lot of pleasant memories. But acquaintances at the zoo or on the seashore can leave a negative impression on the kid if he is suddenly frightened by the environment.
Step 3
Introduce kids when they are not tired and have not begun to be capricious.
Step 4
In the first minutes after meeting children, parents should be nearby, but at the same time they should not interfere with their games. Knowing that the parents are nearby, the child will feel calmer and more confident.