A very active process of cognition of the surrounding world is observed in preschoolers and primary school students. They are interested in natural phenomena and world structures, the life of animals and birds, various countries and continents. At this age, it is important not to miss anything and to correctly lead the baby to acquaintance with nature.

Step 1
To acquaint your child with nature and its phenomena, walk more often. Draw your baby's attention to detail as you walk. How do trees grow, why do they throw off their leaves for the winter, and in the spring they are again covered with greenery? How animals live.
Step 2
If you have a summer cottage, then here, like nowhere else, you can get to know nature closely. Invite your toddler to plant something together, tend the plant, and watch it develop from a small seed to a large plant. It is best if this plant turns out to be practically applicable, that is, it can be eaten. Children do not have much patience and if the growing process takes a long time, they may simply lose interest, so choose a fast-growing crop - dill, radishes. Using the example of one small plant, explain to your child the whole process of life of the flora as a whole. In addition, if you manage to interest the child, involve him in gardening work, then he will be happy to eat healthy vegetables, in the cultivation of which he was directly involved.
Step 3
Take your child on a hike. Even if it is in the suburbs, you will have a great time. A hike for a child is a real adventure. Take a tent and sleeping bags, a bowler hat and an ax, fishing rods. Here you can introduce your kid to the wild nature, tell about forest dwellers. The process of fishing is very exciting for children, even if they cannot boast of a rich catch, you can explain to them about food chains using the example of fishing for a worm. At night, you can hear many new incomprehensible sounds. Tell your child that there are daytime forest dwellers, and there are nocturnal ones.
Step 4
Collect herbarium, berries, or mushrooms. Be sure to take a small souvenir from the forest - a pine cone, a beautiful twig or a small pebble, looking at it the child will remember the knowledge gained.
Step 5
Get a pet. With this step, you can not only introduce your child to the fauna, but also teach responsibility and concern for who is smaller and weaker. If your conditions do not allow for a dog or cat, or you are afraid that you will have to look after the animal, start with a hamster or fish in a small aquarium. Go to the zoo and introduce your child to the animals, what they eat, how they live, which of them is friends and who is at enmity. The child will receive a lot of impressions.