Raising a child is the influence of parents and the world around them on behavior and personality formation. Typically, there are 4 different parenting styles.

Authoritative parenting style
This is a confidingly communicative style in which parents set boundaries and rules, but at the same time explain to the child about the importance of adhering to them and explain how and why the child should do this and not otherwise. For a child to follow the rules, he must understand why and why he needs to do it.
With this approach to upbringing, children grow up confident in themselves, with their own clearly formed opinion, they are independent and are rarely subject to other people's influence. They calmly accept the conventions of society, they are not inclined to aggression, they have high self-esteem and they are just happy.
Organization, independence and a tendency to lead, are the positive aspects of education in this style.
Authoritarian parenting style
In this style, parents also set rules and responsibilities for the child, but if the child does not comply with them, then disobedience is followed by punishment, and, as a rule, without explanation.
In principle, children raised in such an atmosphere are quite obedient. But in adulthood, they will not be able to be leaders, rather, performers, because of low self-esteem and enormous demands on themselves.
Such children are very prone to aggression, showing their dissatisfaction with everything that they do not understand and do not know or they simply do not like.
Inattentive parenting style
This style has a bad effect on children. Here children are left to their own devices, no one is watching or guiding them. There are no rules and regulations, which further leads to antisocial behavior of the child.
Hostility towards peers, as well as towards adults, is their main character trait. Runaways from home, theft and other misconduct are not excluded. Poor academic performance, lack of self-control, has a detrimental effect on their future life.
Parenting Permissiveness
This is a liberal style in which parents allow their beloved child to create as they please. There are no punishments for misconduct and restrictions in anything. Such children do not have authority among their peers, they are dependent and not organized. Low academic performance is not uncommon for these children. As a rule, they grow up as aggressive egoists who are afraid of responsibility.