Why The First Love Is Remembered Forever

Why The First Love Is Remembered Forever
Why The First Love Is Remembered Forever

First love - we remember it for the rest of our lives. It cannot be otherwise, because with her we have the best memories of our youthful days, happiness and sadness, joy and pain.

Why the first love is remembered forever
Why the first love is remembered forever

Because they are young

Almost always, the first love overtakes a person in the best years of his life - a time of hopes and dreams, when it seems that everything is possible. She paints the days of youth in bright colors, giving an indescribable feeling of happiness and sublimity.

During this period of his life, a person is like a blank slate, open and sincere. First love inspires him, awakens the best qualities of character, makes him do good deeds. A person strives to become better, his hidden talents can be revealed, poems and songs are born. First love inspires him, makes him stand out from the crowd, makes him feel like a hero.

In our youth, we all make plans for the future, and in these plans, love is often given the main place. And everything else is built around this feeling. All hopes are connected with love, in it is the whole meaning and essence of life. All this makes you remember your first love forever. Even if she doesn't always have a happy ending, the memories of her are touching. First love is like a magic casket in which magic items are stored. They attract to themselves, to touch them is both fearful and pleasant.

Rich emotional background

The first feelings are characterized by the experience of deep emotions - everything is taken literally. The lover feels great happiness and joy. One glance is enough to arouse his delight. But first love is not only happy emotions. During this period, the first disappointments also occur, pain from unrequited feelings, the bitterness of defeat and loneliness, resentment, when it seems that life is over.

All these emotional experiences, joyful and not very, are so deeply imprinted in the soul of a lover that they remain with him for a long time, sometimes for life. That is why the first love, full of various feelings, is not forgotten.

All for the first time

The first timid glances, a shy smile, furtive admiration, an exciting thrill of the heart - all this happens for the first time. And the first experience is priceless, it is not forgotten. It is impossible to advise something to lovers who have known this feeling for the first time - they will still act at the behest of their hearts.

First love does not always end with the union of a couple. It often happens that the first love is followed by the second, the third. But it is the first one that is distinguished by its deep content and intensity of feelings - after all, there is no experience yet. The person acts sincerely, not yet knowing how to play this entertaining game. Everyone must go through the test of first love.
