Love and tenderness are the best anti-aging remedies. To be healthy, the heart also needs love. Regular sexual intercourse, as a rule, increases resistance to disease, and has a beneficial effect on overall life expectancy.

Love for all ages
This phrase is the essence of the problem. However, ardent love passes away and mature, true, stable love remains. The need for erotic love for many people remains until old age. Both older men and women can enjoy sex.
With age, the intensity and brightness of these experiences diminishes somewhat, but they are still perceived as positive. And this is considered quite normal for a happy life. At the same time, sexual activity in old age is a continuation of the one that existed at a younger age.
Love rejuvenates and prolongs life
When making love, an endorphin is produced, which is called the hormone of happiness. This hormone helps to strengthen the immune system, and the released cortisone and adrenaline stimulate increased metabolism and make all organs and systems work in a special mode. As a result, the body mobilizes its energy reserves, and lovers feel an overwhelming surge of happiness.
A person deprived of love often suffers from headaches, circulatory disorders, nervousness, and insomnia. So indulging in love, we render our body an invaluable service.
Love is health
During ecstasy, a person does not feel either increased pressure or temperature. It has been established that wounds and inflammations heal faster in people who are in love. According to statistics, married people live five years longer than unmarried people. Divorced men are three times more likely to see a doctor than married men.
Climax is not a hindrance
The onset of menopause means only the end of the childbearing period and in no way indicates the disappearance of sexual need, and even more so the ability to have sex. Only serious illnesses can be an obstacle to the sexual life of older people.