Many people think about when people fall in love, what prompts them to experience this wonderful and strong feeling. After all, it has long been known that love can come to a person completely suddenly, and at the same time it is not at all necessary that its subject be distinguished by impeccable beauty or angelic character.

First impression, similarity and complementarity
An important factor influencing the emergence of a feeling is the first impression of a person. The decision about whether the potential chosen one (or the chosen one) is liked or not, whether it is worth starting a relationship with him, arises already at the first meeting. Of course, a person does not immediately start thinking about it. As a rule, everything happens at the subconscious level and only then is deposited in consciousness.
Often a person falls in love when he sees in another something similar to himself, something that sets them both apart from the monotony of the world around him. True, people who are too similar often cannot be together, as it just gets boring. Usually a person is looking for someone who can complement him in something. It is not for nothing that some girls, wishing to fall in love with a young man, successfully use the following technique: they ask him to teach them something that he loves and knows how to do. The options can be very different: drawing, ballroom dancing, ice skating, playing billiards, driving, etc. It is not without reason that young teachers sometimes happily fall in love with their students.
Selfishness that gives birth to love
Oddly enough, at the early stage of falling in love, selfishness plays a large role in its occurrence. In other words, it is not uncommon for a person to fall in love when he sees admiration for his virtues in someone's eyes. Theoretically speaking, the probability that 2 people will fall in love with each other at the same time is rather small. Nevertheless, this happens not so rarely in life. The thing is that a person, first of all, pays attention to the one in whose eyes he sees interest or sympathy. Timely compliments, which can be addressed to both women and men, play an important role here.
It also happens that a person can fall in love when he sees that a nascent feeling will bring him some benefit. This does not mean a banal calculation, a kind of "profitable acquisition" here can be a rich inner world, a sense of humor, kindness and other positive qualities of the object of love.
It is so inherent in nature that men and women are not similar to each other, not only externally, but also in the way of thinking, manner of communication, habits, etc. True love will come to them when they learn to understand each other and tolerate differences in habits and characters. And, of course, people fall in love when it's time for them to love.