Men dream of ideal wives. One imagines quiet family evenings at a laid table surrounded by relatives, another - stormy nights, the third - solitude in his own office. To understand exactly what your man needs, do not be afraid to talk to him.

Step 1
Most of the divorces are not due to betrayal, poor financial situation of the family, but precisely because of the dissatisfaction of the spouses with each other. Unspoken claims accumulate, overgrowing with conjectures and guesses. Former loving people swear on the most trivial reasons, not understanding the main thing - all problems can be solved if you talk about them in time. And the ideal loving wife should have this ability - to extinguish conflict in the bud.
Step 2
It is quite easy for a woman with her wisdom to solve any issue without swearing and quarreling. It just takes patience. Think that you are the heart of the family. You worry about everyone and everything, but at the same time you fight, supporting the life of the whole organism. Therefore, you should not show strong negative emotions - a heart attack may occur (that is, a scandal, or even a rupture). Calmly and reasonably express exactly what you want from your husband, and give him time to think. Do not rush your loved one, the head of the stronger sex is usually very busy with work issues, and he needs time to think about family problems. Therefore, start discussing everything in advance, without haste.
Step 3
If the husband expresses any claims, do not react negatively immediately. Think if you are really doing something wrong. Even if you do not see mistakes in your actions, postpone the discussion of this issue to the next day. And start the conversation with what you thought, but did not understand what your loved one is dissatisfied with. He will be pleased with such attention to his words, he will definitely explain what exactly does not suit him and suggest ways to fix the problem.
Step 4
Do not talk to a man in an orderly tone, he is not a dog. Build a constructive dialogue and listen to his answers. Of course, women have the ability to think faster, but men work through everything in detail. You will have a perfect tandem if you respect each other, listen and take into account everyone's opinion.