The honeymoon is not only the first, but also one of the most important periods in the life of a young family. This time is filled with sincere love and tenderness, during this period the foundations of harmonious relationships are laid, the newlyweds get used to each other, and everyday problems do not yet declare themselves and do not bother either wife or husband.

The concept of a honeymoon has been around for a long time, and among peoples with different cultures and traditions. Obviously, they called the "honeymoon" month because this is the most pleasant period of marriage and young spouses spend this time alone, enjoying communication and living together. It is so accepted that most couples spend their honeymoon away from home, relatives and friends, on a romantic trip.
"Post-honey" period of a young family
But the honeymoon ends sooner or later, the newlyweds return to real life, and in most cases, not only romance, but also the feeling of falling in love, euphoric happiness leaves their lives. And many of them are wondering how to keep the old relationship and is it possible to extend the honeymoon for a lifetime?
When a love relationship is just starting, partners are in high spirits, trying to look good and be as friendly and helpful to each other as possible. But after the coveted stamp appeared in the passport, most of them believe that they no longer need to make any efforts - the object of attention has been won and the desired has been received. They become what they really are, and character traits are not always only good and disappointment sets in, a fairy tale leaves, euphoria evaporates. But to preserve and increase feelings, not to lose the novelty in a relationship, even after many years, any married couple can do, if, of course, this is a mutual desire.
View from both sides
Men and women have different visions of marriage and the beginning of family life. A woman, as a rule, wants to keep the relationship as it was before marriage - still receive compliments, flowers and gifts from the man. For her, this behavior serves as a confirmation that her partner still loves her. Men are more rational and the very presence of a stamp in their passports is a confirmation of eternal love for them, and the candy-bouquet period for them ends with the honeymoon.
The honeymoon is over, gray days have come, lovers see each other every day, spend a lot of time together, and they are not always in a good mood, as a result of monotony and monotony in life, emotional fatigue sets in. And what it will lead to depends on both partners, on their desire to prolong sensuality, to preserve the marriage.
How to keep love for a long time
Throughout the marriage, partners expect several psychological crises, which, unfortunately, not everyone can overcome. Already a year later, the so-called crisis of the first year sets in, which serves as the beginning of testing the strength of the marriage. Conflicts in the family are inevitable, but if the spouses are able to listen and understand each other, then each quarrel will only lead to some new decision, a new stage in the relationship.
To maintain family relations, you need to learn to negotiate with each other, find compromise solutions. At first glance, it may seem that concession in a dispute infringes on one's own interests, but this is not so and there is no need to worry about this. If the feelings are sincere, then as soon as one of the spouses takes even a small step towards, the partner will immediately respond and will definitely reciprocate.