The times when the family made the decision to marry a girl are long gone. And modern women will not allow anyone to make such an important decision for them. So how do you find that one and start a family with him?

It is very important to really want to get married. The desire must be conscious and understandable. There should be a clear picture in my head: what kind of family I am, what kind of family, what kind of husband, what qualities he should have, what can I offer him in return for these qualities.
So, you have drawn your ideal picture, imagining what kind of man should be your husband. Now the most important thing begins: work on yourself and your desire.
· Analyze past relationships. Perhaps there is still energy, you are still thinking about them, remembering. It is necessary to remove this energy from there.
· You need to try to understand why you are not currently in a relationship. Maybe there is some kind of fear of close relationships. Or there is no trust in men in general. This point is very important to work through.
· You need to fill yourself with feminine qualities: patience, gentleness, homeliness, so that a potential man feels that you can not only attract, but also keep.
Psychologists say that if after a year your relationship has not moved to a new level, you should think about the future. Don't be afraid to talk. Ask what your man doesn't like about the relationship. What would he like to change. Just do not overdo it: you cannot take the initiative into your own hands and impose. Remember that in all fairy tales the prince proposes, not the princess.
If talking doesn't work, try another method. You can give him so much love so that he feels that he simply cannot be without you, and then cool a little towards him.
And, of course, the most important thing: remain for your man a real woman, an object of inspiration and admiration. We very quickly begin to serve a man in a relationship, i.e. take care of him, forgetting about ourselves. You should always put yourself first so that he appreciates you. Not myself next to you, but you, I was proud that such a woman was next to him.