Starting an acquaintance with a girl you like with a compliment is one of the best options to create a positive impression of yourself and gain favor. However, a compliment must meet many conditions, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.

What is a compliment?
A compliment is an expression of admiration or praise that gives emotional pleasure to the addressee. When making a compliment, you cannot base it on deliberate lies or outright exaggeration, since people, as a rule, tend to realistically assess their characteristics and abilities. Therefore, no matter how pleasant it is for a stranger to hear that Miss Universe is an empty place compared to her, it is better to refrain from such hyperboles. The fact is that the more truth there is in your compliment, the more honest the girl will think you are.
However, one cannot go to the opposite extreme, that is, try to pass off dry facts as a compliment. After all, we are talking about a romantic relationship, and a boring listing of the obvious merits of the young lady is unlikely to impress her. In your ideal compliment, the ratio of truth and exaggeration should be such that, on the one hand, the compliment has real grounds, and on the other hand, it sounds poetic and pleasant. In this case, there will be more chances to get to know each other.
It's important to remember exactly what you said in your compliment, as girls tend to remember meaningful moments. If, after some time after meeting, you say something contrary to the compliment, it can be embarrassing.
Compliment nicely
The more information you have, the easier it will be to choose a topic for your compliment. See how the girl is dressed, how she moves, note the timbre of her voice, vocabulary, and only after that start acquaintance. Any stranger will be pleased if, when you meet, you praise her strict taste in clothes, beautiful hairstyle, original jewelry or fashion accessory.
At the same time, your compliment should not look artificial or strained, otherwise the first impression may be irreparably spoiled. Try to say it as naturally and naturally as possible.
Do not forget about the so-called veiled compliments, which are expressed in an atypical way, for example, in an angry or tired voice or using unusual vocabulary.
Feel free to use superlatives, as it is important for all girls to feel the most beautiful, intelligent, interesting and charming. If in a compliment you compare a stranger with someone according to one criterion or another, then she should be the best, and not share the pedestal with someone else.
You can add a little humor to your compliment. This will not only endear the girl to you, but also help her get rid of the feeling of awkwardness and surprise that inevitably arises when unfamiliar men suddenly say nice things.