Usually those who intend to answer the question "How to find the right man?" focus on the first and second words and begin to give advice on how to find, with what tricks to find, and finally where to find. In the meantime, the woman who asked this question most likely wants to hear the answer with an emphasis on the word "suitable". That is, how to determine a man who would suit her physically, and in spirit, and in views. With whom it would not be scary "both in sorrow and in joy." Psychologists reveal some techniques by which you can find the right man.

Step 1
Comparison with the father. They say that every girl involuntarily, and sometimes just subconsciously, compares her partner with her father. If her father was an authority during her childhood, the element of comparison is reinforced. For example, if her father is one of the silent, those who prefer to talk less and do more, then in her partner she will most likely be annoyed by such character traits as talkativeness, fussiness, a desire to please and laugh (attention! - at first maybe even like it). If respect for the father and the weight of his authority have remained unshakable, despite the years, the best way out is to look for a man who looks like his father. Perhaps this way you will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises from your partner.
Step 2
Make repairs with it. There is some common sense in this joke tip. Those married couples who have been living together for several years, behind whose shoulders this phenomenon happened at least once, know what this is about. Indeed, a real renovation is like a natural disaster, a cataclysm, or even a war of two worlds. He is very clear about who is who. Here either mutual understanding and friendly relations, or the struggle of two opposites and hostility. In the first case - this is your man, with whom nothing is scary (even repair), in the second - alas … Psychologists half-jokingly call repair a mirror of the true relationship of partners.
Step 3
Pheromone test. Pheromones are sexual scents produced by the human body. It is known that each person has their own body odor. And the small vomeronasal organ (VNO), located in the nose of a person, vividly "informs" the owner whether this person is suitable for him or not. Have you noticed? Sometimes you seem to like the man, and everything is already moving towards rapprochement, and suddenly, as if some kind of bell in your soul sang an end, and you leave the intimacy. This is not your man. The intuition based on the pheromones emanating from him did the trick. Doctors and psychologists advise not to ignore such signals, because they come from the subconscious, and everything that happens there is inherent in wise nature.
Step 4
Learn to listen. If your relationship is just starting to develop, try to talk less about yourself and mostly listen to him. Encourage him, try not to be surprised at anything, show interest in his stories about himself. The more you learn about it, the more you will have the opportunity to form your own idea of it. Compare your desires and aspirations with his, find out his attitude to what is happening around him, to money, to religion, to culture, to sex, to the concepts of love and friendship, etc. Try to determine how compatible his life assessments, priorities, and goals are with yours. Now draw your conclusions honestly.
Step 5
Imagine for a moment that the man next to you is your husband. Or that tomorrow you have to go to the registry office. Give yourself an honest answer to the question "Am I ready to live with him for a long time, give birth to children from him and grow old together?" If in doubt, analyze it. And if your answer to yourself is still "no", do not waste time, leave this man and continue looking for your real soul mate.