More and more women want to be reincarnated as a bitch. This term is usually understood as purposeful, cynical and strong ladies. It's actually pretty easy to become a bitch.

Definition of the word "bitch"
The fact is that our world is not too adapted for soft, kind and correct "girls", in order to get what is due from life, you need to be tougher, more direct and cynical. We can say that by "becoming a bitch" one should rather understand the acquisition of self-confidence, the acquisition of social skills, some liberation and a shift in life position in the direction of cynicism. Unfortunately, most often all this can be acquired unconsciously after unpleasant mistakes in relations with the male sex. So it is often men who are responsible for the fact that gentle creatures turn into steel, purposeful women, which you can't really "play" with.
Setting the goal of becoming a bitch, it is worth considering that you will have to change a lot in yourself, both in character and in appearance. You need to figure out what you want from men and life in general. Prioritize goals, start moving towards the most important goals. You can become moody or cruel, but by no means lazy. Set your daily routine, pursue a career, be fulfilled.
If changing your lifestyle in the direction of increasing bitchiness causes irritation, discontent and other negative emotions, choose a different lifestyle for yourself.
What characterizes a bitch?
All your inner composure should not show up in appearance. You should be luxurious and relaxed. From the outside, it should seem that you spend the lion's share of your time in spas and fitness clubs. Only you should know at what cost external carelessness is given.
Adopt calculus, cynicism, and withholding real emotions. Learn to evaluate any situation from the standpoint of logic, use reason, but not feelings. You must understand how you can benefit from certain circumstances.
Do not put a man on a pedestal, do not make an ideal out of him, do not rush after him, do not impose. If you fall in love with a man, appreciate his attitude. If there is even a drop of disrespect in him, throw such a man out of your head. A real bitch will not allow this. For a bitch, her own dignity is important, it cannot be sacrificed to men.
At first, you should be a fluffy kitty with a man, release your claws when you know that the prey will not go away.
Bitches are rarely liked by other women. Get ready for jealousy, hate, fear, and even pity. Be prepared for the fact that you will not have real friends if you suddenly decide to radically change your lifestyle and way of thinking.