How Not To Hurt Your Girlfriend

How Not To Hurt Your Girlfriend
How Not To Hurt Your Girlfriend

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The relationship between a man and a woman always involves some kind of concessions on both sides, an attentive attitude towards each other, caring for each other and not only love, but also friendly affection. When a relationship is built on trust and respect, a man will do his best not to hurt his significant other.

How not to hurt your girlfriend
How not to hurt your girlfriend


Step 1

You can hurt your girlfriend by moving away from these principles of healthy relationships built on respect and love. Remember that your interests cannot be put above the interests of the girl. Do not be a tyrant: you cannot know better than the girl herself what is best for her. You don't need to prioritize your taste in clothing, food, literature, cinema, and so on. If this process has just begun, for example, you are trying to choose a dress for her that turns her back on, then at first she will simply be angry and annoyed, and maybe endure. But if such tyranny takes on a large scale, the girl, loving you, will be forced to either enter into battle with your inertia, or leave. Save her from such a need.

Step 2

Don't play with her feelings. There is no need to hope that a woman has an endless supply of self-denial, thanks to which she will forgive you again and again, no matter who you are. Do not make her jealous, for example, after an argument, by going to a nightclub and taking a few photos with girls there. Jealousy will already be present in your relationship, and if the girl's doubts are also periodically confirmed, then you, it turns out, doom her to constant pain. Look at the situation from the outside: would you feel calm and good if your girlfriend went around the guys in order to make you jealous and thereby "strengthen" your relationship?

Step 3

Don't deceive her. And keep in mind that deception can be of varying degrees of severity: it is one thing to say that there is no cheese left in the refrigerator, although you have hidden a piece for yourself, another thing is to lie to a girl about the seriousness of your intentions towards her. Never lie to a girl, making an exception only for lying for the sake of salvation. All people cannot stand a lie, even those who sometimes lie themselves. And when a lot of such (even small) incidents accumulate, the girl will understand that you treat her far from the way you portray.

Step 4

Do not gloss over petty quarrels and misunderstandings. There should be no secrets between you. The sooner you explain what you meant, and find out what she meant, the closer you will be to each other, the more transparent your motives and intentions will be. After all, if you really love a girl and are serious, then you have to create a family and have children, and if your relationship is already built in advance on some small nasty omissions, then in what atmosphere will your children grow up later?

Step 5

Do not insult or humiliate the girl - whether by words, actions, or gossip. Of course, now in our country many have long been accustomed to obscenities, rudeness, and so on, but this does not mean that a direct insult has lost its force and is no longer taken seriously. More than perceived, moreover, it leaves a deep unpleasant mark on the soul. Even if your girlfriend does not stand up and leaves you after your rude "assaults", then she will still treat people differently, knowing how evil they can be. Don't hurt her so much.
