How To Change To Please A Guy

How To Change To Please A Guy
How To Change To Please A Guy

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There are men who consider the ideal woman who can simultaneously play the role of mother, lover and friend. If a girl wants to please a guy, she should think about what she lacks in order to meet the male ideal.

How to change to please a guy
How to change to please a guy


Step 1

A gloomy expression is unlikely to please your chosen one. Most men value kindness. Try to make your smile mysterious, give it to the guy you want to win.

Step 2

The voice plays an important role in human perception. Nobody likes raised tones, men are no exception. If by nature you have a loud voice, watch your behavior, try to speak more quietly. Let your words sound mesmerizing, gentle and soft.

Step 3

Once you meet a guy, try to think through to the smallest detail how to get his attention. The ability to listen to the interlocutor is a great art. Try to never interrupt a man, state your thoughts briefly and to the point. Young guys love compliments, but outright flattery is too conspicuous, so dose the praise to men.

Step 4

If a girl doesn't know how to cook, she should learn this art. Most men cannot imagine their half without this skill.

Step 5

To please a guy, it is not enough just to be beautiful, you need to learn how to dress with taste, take care of yourself, visit a hairdresser and get a manicure. No matter how beautiful a girl is, she should not demand that a man admire her appearance.

Step 6

Guys love girls who skillfully keep up the conversation, but they don't like women who demonstrate their superiority over the interlocutor. If you know that you are smarter than the guy you like, don't show it, otherwise you won't be able to win his sympathy.

Step 7

Men love it when women are caring. If a girl asks a guy about his work, interests, it will benefit the relationship, but in no case should you constantly monitor a man, check his phone calls or find out where he is going and what he is going to do.

Step 8

A man likes it when a girl skillfully flirts with him, but he will not tolerate if a lady he likes starts flirting with other guys with him.

Step 9

It is not so difficult to please a guy, it is more difficult to keep his attention, and therefore you should always work on yourself.
