Often a person begins to struggle with feelings overwhelming him, not knowing where to go. Because of this, precious time is wasted, the chance to reach the heart of a loved one and build a relationship with him is missed. It is necessary to pull yourself together and act judiciously.

Step 1
Admit to yourself that you really fell in love with a certain person or have any other feelings for him. Don't worry about the possibility that you are just stressed or have a strange attraction. It is better to accept the situation and think about how you will proceed next.
Step 2
Understand your feelings. Try to understand why you liked the person, or what, for example, irritates you. Perhaps he is exactly who you have always been looking for, or he has done something that you cannot accept. If you can identify the cause of the feelings, it will be easier for you to deal with them.
Step 3
Chat with the person and confess your feelings to him, having previously developed a plan for what you will talk about. You should not keep them in yourself or just be ashamed of their manifestation. This conversation will make it much easier for you.
Step 4
Try to express your feelings in a different way. For example, call the person if you cannot meet in person. Plus, not having to make eye contact will give you confidence. You can also write a message on a piece of paper and send it by mail, or speak up in correspondence on the Internet. But it should be remembered that the best results are obtained by talking face to face, especially since in a fit of emotions a person may hang up and not listen to you or simply not answer letters.
Step 5
Try to channel the intoxicating feelings in the right direction. It is believed that at such moments a person can demonstrate excellent results in creativity. Try drawing or writing poetry. You can do something, and the feelings in your soul will be an excellent motivator for this.
Step 6
Strive to be close to the person if you are tormented by the feeling of love. Make love mutual. Invite your chosen one or the chosen one on a date, make a romantic surprise, show attention and care, and in the end you will be able to achieve what you want.