You met the guy of your dreams. You are happy and loved. But sometimes unpleasant thoughts creep into your head that someday your relationship may collapse. What if all this will not happen in an instant? Want to prevent this from happening? Make sure that your chosen one does not imagine his life without you.

The most tender and loving
The first thing you must do to become everything to him is to surround him with affection and love. Feel free to show your boyfriend how deeply attached you are to him. Say gentle words to him often, write love messages, touch him when you are around.
Be romantic. Arrange pleasant surprises for him, candlelit dinners, warm bubble baths. Express your love in everything so that he always feels it.
The most caring
For almost every man, one of the most important criteria when choosing a future wife is her economy. Always keep the house clean so that your chosen one can see that you are working. If you need your help in the country, do not be useless, do whatever you are told.
Cook all the most delicious for your loved one. Well-fed men are the kindest men. Let him know that after the wedding he will not go hungry, because you will not allow this.
If you live together, wash his clothes. It's easy for you to put them in the washing machine and then just hang them up. But how pleasant it will be for your young man to walk in clean clothes.
He will quickly get used to your concern, and will appreciate you even more.
The most beautiful and interesting
So that your loved one will never trade you for anyone, watch your appearance. Go in for sports, get a beautiful manicure, dress stylishly and neatly. If you are always on top, he will not look at other girls.
Try to stay interesting to him. To do this, read books, watch interesting programs, always be in the center of events. The main thing is that he is not bored with you.
The kindest and most understanding
It is your responsibility to understand the wants and needs of your man. You should be no stranger to his hobbies. Try to love at least something of what he loves, perhaps you will be able to do a common thing. Your goal is to become his friend.
Treat your loved one with kindness. Be as angry as possible, never raise your voice. Men love harmony and calmness in relationships. No one wants to connect their life with an aggressive, angry woman who constantly dislikes something.
To become everything to him, marry him and give birth to beautiful children for him, you must be caring like his mother, loving like a wife, and understanding like a friend. In bed, you should resemble a mistress, capable of satisfying your man and not bothering him.
Love each other, show your feelings, and you will definitely have a joint happy future!