If you start your day wrong, then the whole second half will be unsuccessful. From the point of view of psychologists, it is the morning that provides the mood for the next day. There are several ways to start your morning right.

Early rise
You do not need to get up with the first voices of the birds, but getting up 30 minutes earlier than your family members, you guarantee yourself silence and no fuss. You do not have to share the bathroom with your household, as the line will pass you by. You will not need to push around in the kitchen and listen to someone else's grumbling.
You don't need to start the morning abruptly. Get up slowly, stretch. Don't rush if you have a little time left. Wash with lukewarm water.
If it's warm outside, open a window. Let fresh air into the room. Enjoy the first rays of the sun. This involuntarily brings a smile even to pessimists.
Hot drinks help you wake up. It's good if you have coffee beans to brew. The soft aroma of this drink will create an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort. If you don't have one, regular ground coffee will do.
If you prefer tea, choose green to start your day. It contains a lot of caffeine, which gives an energy boost for the whole day.
Making coffee for one of your family members will cheer them up too. Moreover, in the morning you so want to bring joy to those around you.
No wonder the morning meal is called the most important part of the day. You should eat healthy foods in the morning. And in large quantities. It is in the early hours of the day that you can afford to increase the portion by 1.5 times.
Do not overuse breakfast cereals. It is much better if you choose cereals and broths for your diet. Fruits, grains and dairy products must be combined in the first meal.
To start the morning right, you need to create the right mood. Listen to your favorite song. Make a selection of fun breakfast music ahead of time. Your favorite radio will do the trick too.
If you can, hum. Singing is always a source of good mood. The same goes for dancing.
While you are drinking coffee, you can read the ironic light press or biographical literature. Successful stories stimulate your subconscious mind. To start your morning right, fill yourself with positive thoughts about a future in which you too will succeed.
You can write instead of reading. Keeping a morning diary significantly improves tone. All the thoughts that come to your mind in the morning are statistically the most useful and intelligent of the day. Taking notes daily will help you focus and build a system of behavior for the rest of the day.