How To Resurrect Love In An Ex-girlfriend

How To Resurrect Love In An Ex-girlfriend
How To Resurrect Love In An Ex-girlfriend

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Sometimes after some time after breaking up, the guy begins to understand that the girl is still dear to him. In this case, a man can try to resurrect love in his ex.

How to resurrect love in an ex-girlfriend
How to resurrect love in an ex-girlfriend


Step 1

If you've decided to try to resurrect the love in your ex, pull yourself together. All negative thoughts should be put aside, and understand that the girl will return to you if you are confident in yourself and in what you are doing.

Step 2

After you have gained confidence in yourself, you need to think about why your beloved left you. Surely there is some good reason that led to such an outcome of your relationship. This is done in order to work on mistakes, because in the future you will not have to make a mistake, otherwise your passion may leave you again.

Step 3

The reason for the departure of your significant other may lie in banal boredom. Perhaps you do not satisfy her, and she has unused sexual desires, or you stopped doing for the girl what you did before. Maybe you were too obsessive and controlled her every step, or, on the contrary, did not pay due attention to her and were absorbed only by yourself and your needs. Whatever the reason for her departure, you have the following goal: you, by all means, have to return relationships and past love.

Step 4

Try to let go of your soul mate, invite her to remain friends, then you can control the situation and track all her movements. The next thing you should do in a couple of days is not too intrusive to write her a message and ask how she is doing, or call and talk. Wait a couple more days and only then you can begin to do something. There are two great options: the pleasant surprise effect or the reverse seduction.

Step 5

If you prefer a pleasant surprise, give your girlfriend a surprise. For example, rent a limousine, meet your ex, and ride with her around the places you visited when you were still together. Go to the place of your first meeting and say that you still remember how you met, talk about how good it was together. Give your girlfriend a chance to remember how much you've done for her and talk about how much you didn't get done because of your breakup.

Step 6

The second option for reverse seduction is as follows. Arrange a romantic dinner for the girl, but do not start any conversations on romantic topics, talk about what both are well versed in. Rest assured, the girl does not expect such a turn of events. It will come as a surprise to her that you are not making attempts to return her, most likely, she will try to kiss you herself or talk about past relationships. When she wants to get closer, pull back a little and tell her that you shouldn't do this, you are just friends. Believe me, with such an outcome of events, the effect is guaranteed.
