Who said that a prince on a white horse is old-fashioned? Can women really stop believing in fairy tales? Is there really no place left for fairy tales in this world? No matter how it is! magic and reality are one and the same, you just need to take a closer look.

Step 1
When thinking about what to do to find a prince, do not concentrate all your attention on this thought. Live not to find love, but to be happy. Here and today, and not in the distant, albeit bright, future. Believe me, the prince will find you himself.
Step 2
Pay due attention to your physical appearance. The main thing, of course, is the beauty of the soul, but you should not forget about the body either. You are a future princess - think about it. Visit a hairdresser and manicurist, sign up for a massage or yoga course, and try to spend enough time outdoors. If you have nothing against makeup, experiment with your appearance. Change the color of lipstick, eye shadow, blush tone. Surprise yourself, enjoy your reflection in the mirror, and the prince simply cannot pass by.
Step 3
Finding your love is not easy. There are a huge number of men in the world, different, dissimilar to each other. Do not rush to tell the first one who drew attention to you that he is the only one: take a closer look at him. It is not customary to shout about love, this is a feeling that does not tolerate unnecessary words. Keep silent, let your chosen one understand everything himself.
Step 4
Overcome fears and complexes, free yourself from everything negative that prevents you from becoming happy. When a smile shines on your face, your movements will become confident, and feelings such as anger and envy will have no place in their hearts, men will perceive you not as an ordinary woman, but as a goddess, a dream that has come true. After all, everyone wants a fairy tale, including the stronger sex.
Step 5
Learn to value yourself. Believe that you are worthy of becoming a royal consort. Even if you are not perfect, even if your legs are not slender, and your hair is brittle. This is, in essence, nonsense. It is important that a woman knows how to present herself, to convince others that she is a queen.