When painting a crib, it is important to give preference to materials with the safest possible composition. It is better to opt for water-based paints. Their composition does not contain toxic substances and is safe for the growing organism.

Types of safe paints
Water-based furniture paints are available in acrylic and acrylate colors. Water-based paints, nitro paints and water-based varnishes are also good for use in children's rooms. However, it is better to stop the choice on paints that give a glossy finish, since matte tends to get dirty faster. In addition, it is very difficult to clean it.
There are special paints that are used to paint children's toys. If the very high cost is not intimidating, you can find and use them.
Characteristics of suitable paints
Water-based acrylic paints are the best choice, as they are completely harmless, easy to use and have a rich color palette. Their advantages include also wear resistance, good covering ability and resistance to mechanical damage, abrasion resistance.
Acrylic paint does not evaporate and does not emit harmful substances during operation. The painted surface does not fade in the sun and retains its decorative properties for 5-10 years. The dense and smooth structure created on the surface of furniture with such paints can withstand numerous wet cleaning without damage to itself.
The disadvantage of acrylic paints is their high cost.
Acrylate coatings are also distinguished by good abrasion resistance, as well as high elasticity and vapor permeability. An even and perfectly smooth coating created by them on the surface of the crib will not only be durable and beautiful, but also completely safe for health. The disadvantages of such a coating include fragility, but it can be washed and cleaned gently.
Water-based paints are a great option for all those who, for some reason, did not fit the options using acrylic and acrylate. This paint is short-lived and easily abraded, but it is completely safe, does not contain any toxic substances.
Water-based varnishes and nitro paints are good options if you don't have anything else on hand. They are relatively durable and the coating created by them is durable. Such coatings are fireproof. The appearance of furniture painted with these compounds is impeccable. The disadvantages can be considered fragility along with a high price.
Painting process
There is nothing difficult in self-painting children's furniture, if you approach this issue with all responsibility.
Coloring is best done at least a week before using the crib, in order to have time to identify and eliminate defects that may appear after the paint dries.
If the paint begins to bubble and lag behind in layers after drying, the surface will have to be sanded again, degreased with a solvent and painted again.
Two brushes are enough for work - a large flat one and a small round one. A large brush is used on wide legs, back and sides, while a small round brush with a long handle is useful for painting twigs and hard-to-reach places.
When painting, do not put a lot of paint on the brush at once - the excess will dry for a long time and the adhesion to the surface of a thick layer is worse. It is better to paint with several thin layers than one thick one.