How To Introduce Meat Complementary Foods

How To Introduce Meat Complementary Foods
How To Introduce Meat Complementary Foods

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When the baby is just born, it seems to happy parents that the moment when he will be ready to introduce complementary foods is still very far away. But the babies are growing rapidly, and now the moment comes not only for the first feeding in the form of juices, but also the time for introducing crumbs of meat puree into the diet.

How to introduce meat complementary foods
How to introduce meat complementary foods


Step 1

Wait until the child is 6 months old. Only then is it worth thinking about complementary foods in the form of meat puree. You should not give this type of food to a younger baby, as his digestive system will not yet be sufficiently ready to process such "serious" food.

Step 2

Read on to introduce meat puree from such types of meat as rabbit, chicken, lean veal - they are the most easily digested and the process of getting used to meat food will be easier.

Step 3

Begin the introduction of mashed potatoes with half a teaspoon, mixing this amount of new complementary foods with the food already known to the child - vegetable puree from zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin or others. By the time the child is 1 year old, the amount of meat complementary foods can be increased to 100-125 grams per day.

Step 4

It is better to give the meat puree to the child in the morning during lunch. This will give parents the opportunity to trace the reaction of the baby's body to a new product and such a "complex" food will be assimilated before the onset of a night's sleep.

Step 5

Meat puree can be prepared either independently, by grinding the boiled meat in a blender to a puree-like state and boiling it again, adding a little meat broth, or you can buy it ready-made in the pharmacy in the form of canned meat for feeding children from 6 months. When self-preparing this complementary food at home, salt is usually not added to mashed potatoes.

Step 6

Use only lean meats for the preparation of meat complementary foods, buying it from trusted manufacturers, since any possible infection that is relatively easily transmitted by an adult's body will cause much more serious harm to the baby.

Step 7

Pay attention when buying canned meat for baby food for the shelf life of the product. Also, when opening a glass jar of canned food, pay attention to the fact that a light cotton should sound when you turn the lid. If there was no cotton, then do not use such canned food - they can be spoiled or have defects in production (bona fide manufacturers indicate similar information on the label of cans with canned baby food).

Step 8

Introduce complementary foods to the baby after consulting with the children's district doctor, and, if necessary, with other specialists, since the characteristics of the baby's health may dictate the need for a later introduction of meat complementary foods into his diet.
