How To Correct Vision For A Child

How To Correct Vision For A Child
How To Correct Vision For A Child

Table of contents:


The success of treatment of diseases of the organs of vision largely depends on their early diagnosis. It is not in vain that the planned prophylactic medical examination of children involves visiting an ophthalmologist for the first time at the age of a month. Noticing violations in time, parents, together with doctors, will be able to correct the child's vision with the maximum degree of probability.

How to correct vision for a child
How to correct vision for a child


Step 1

In a month, the ophthalmologist can determine the presence of glaucoma, cataracts, congenital strabismus or nystagmus. Amblyopia can be diagnosed at two years of age. Further, visual acuity, binocular functions, refraction and color vision are checked upon admission to school, at 11 and at 14-15 years old.

Step 2

You should not wait for a routine examination if your child complains that he sees double in his eyes, he does not see well in the distance or near, and so on. Immediately contact a specialist doctor who will conduct a preventive examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations. Only after establishing the exact cause of the deterioration in vision, you can begin to correct it.

Step 3

If the kid is of preschool age, try to get him a ticket to a specialized kindergarten, where classes are held that develop visual perception, actively stimulate vision. Ask the doctor at the clinic if there is a set in the advisory and treatment groups or in the centers for vision correction.

Step 4

Children with amblyopia and strabismus need to develop stereoscopic vision. This is helped by outdoor games such as badminton, ping-pong, basketball, towns, volleyball. By playing, children learn to determine the distance to objects and between them. Table football, hockey, billiards will help the visually impaired. Regardless of the cause of the visual impairment, the child will benefit from designing so that his stereoscopic and binocular vision develops.

Step 5

If a student has myopia, limit his time at the computer, provide a comfortable workspace for homework. Lighting also plays an important role. Equip the table with a lamp that you can direct the light from. He should fall on the notebook from the opposite side of the hand with which he is writing. Try to hide the light source from the eyes of the child.

Step 6

Work with your child on your own. Teach him to perform the following exercises for the eyes: - while sitting or standing, look away to the left, then to the right, while the head does not turn; - the starting position is the same, only this time you need to look up, then lower down, then look around the room to the maximum trajectories; - to relieve tension, you can close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open your eyes and blink quickly for a minute; - stand or sit near a window, focus on a point in front of it, and then turn your gaze to a point in the distance; - the principle is the same, but now you need to look not out of the window, but at the finger of the outstretched hand, gradually bringing it closer to the nose.
