Full and harmonious development of the child depends on the correct nutrition of the child. All mothers want to see their babies, first of all, healthy and happy. The source of energy, the building material of the child's body is a varied and balanced food. It is equally important that the children's diet is "timely".

Step 1
From birth to six months, only breastfeeding is desirable. Mother's milk is 90% water, which satisfies the baby's need for fluid. You need to feed a newborn 10 to 12 times a day. By 3 months, most babies need 6 to 8 feeds. A six-month-old baby can be breastfed 4-5 times during the day and 1-2 times at night. Sometimes the child does not have enough breast milk, then supplementary feeding is introduced in the form of milk formulas. If the situation is not critical (when milk disappears abruptly), then the mixture is injected starting from 10 ml, and 10-20 ml is added every day, carefully monitoring the body's reaction. It is better to postpone complementary feeding for up to 6 months.
Step 2
The next six months. Undoubtedly, breast milk is the ideal food for a baby. But the growing body of the child needs nutrients, which are no longer enough in the mother's milk. Introduce complementary foods into the diet: mashed boiled or baked vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat. The best complementary food for the first time is vegetable puree, then you can try porridge, and by the ninth month add meat. The stores now have a large selection of baby food. Introduce new foods into the diet of the crumbs gradually and better during the morning feeding. The sample rate is no more than 10 g. Carefully observe the child's reaction, the condition of his skin and stool. If complementary foods are not well tolerated, it is better to replace them or wait a month or two and try again. It is better not to add salt and sugar until a year.
Step 3
Consider what foods are acceptable for the period from 1 to 3 years. Leading positions in milk and dairy products: adapted milk mixture, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, a small amount of cheese. Remember, it's best not to give whole cow's milk. The diet includes meat of various varieties, except pork, about 100 g per day. Low-fat varieties of fish, only 20–30 g. Do not give your child sausages. Half a boiled egg or 1 egg in the form of an omelet. In the menu, you can include a small amount of vegetable oil, and then butter. Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley groats, as well as pasta (but 1-2 times a week) are very useful. Babies can be given rye and wheat bread, dryers, crackers. And, of course, the source of vitamins is fruits and vegetables. But the use of sweets and chocolate is better to postpone, at least until the onset of three years.
Step 4
From 3 to 6 years old. This is an extremely active time in a child's life. He spends a lot of energy and restores it with food. The diet should be dominated by carbohydrates. The daily menu should include: milk, meat, vegetables, fruits, butter, sugar. Once a week, eggs, fish, cheese, cottage cheese. It is better to feed your baby at a certain time and 3-4 times a day. This is necessary for the complete assimilation of food. The peculiarities of cooking and culinary processing of dishes boil down to the fact that it is necessary to avoid spicy seasonings and fried foods. Do not include convenience foods, chips, and soda in your child's diet.