How To Develop Baby's Attention

How To Develop Baby's Attention
How To Develop Baby's Attention

Have you ever wondered what really distinguishes a gifted child from an average toddler? Not quick wits and not the speed of thinking, although these associations come to mind first. We used to think of intelligence as a sign of academic achievement and success in life. However, a sharp mind has the "right" company, which directs it in the right direction from the earliest childhood. And this company is a good focus. How to teach a kid to concentrate will be discussed.

How to develop baby's attention
How to develop baby's attention

To be attentive

However, not only concentration, but also its stability, the amount of attention, its distribution. With all these concepts, experts are accustomed to assessing the quality of a person's attention, and then, evaluating them, bring them to perfection, if necessary.

Baby attention is fragile. And it has been developing for many, many years. Of course, under the guidance of the parents and the first teachers of the baby. Kids are in a hurry to cover everything, so they easily switch attention from one to another. It is important to captivate, to teach to concentrate, to study something thoughtfully.

Attention must be born with interest. So, you noticed that sometimes it is completely impossible to tear a child away from new objects. Here is the first answer. To form a flow of attention, you need to make sure that the chosen object is very interesting to the baby - a new toy, a bright collage, colors, movement. Sound … Something that says: "Look at me, don't come off!" The more such objects a crumbs have for viewing, listening, studying, the more actively he will train his attention.

Collecting snowflakes

For this game you will need some beautiful cardboard snowflakes. You can make them out of glitter paper or apply paints. Scatter the cut out snowflakes on the floor and invite your baby to play. “Look what a miracle happened. Someone came to visit us and left something! " Let the baby go to find the snowflakes on his own, without prompting in any way the directions to search for the "miracle". However, as soon as the baby finds the first beautiful snowflake, sincerely praise the little smart girl and offer to collect a whole bouquet. “It was probably the winter-winter that came and left us her gifts! Let's find them all."

Music and ball

Sound is another powerful stimulus that guides our attention. Do you want to be convinced? Suddenly call someone from your family by name or drop a spoon on the floor - every family member, including pets, will react. That is why it would be a mistake to forget and not use such a flawlessly working pedagogical technique as learning through sound.

Both sound and movement (which will also attract the baby's attention) are two of the strongest stimuli. Combines them in a rubber ball. Take it in hand and arm yourself with a remote control from a player charged with a music disc. Start - music sounds, the ball jumps on the floor; pause - silence and inaction. Then the music starts again and the ball joins, knock it on the floor, and then suddenly stop the music and the movement of the ball for the baby. The kid will, without stopping, follow the music and the ball. This game magically develops concentration and stability of attention.
