Should I Let My Child Play With Things?

Should I Let My Child Play With Things?
Should I Let My Child Play With Things?

Most and probably all moms and dads have come across a situation when a child is drawn to "adult" objects that are often in the apartment or house where the child lives. It is in such situations that the baby needs an eye and an eye so that he does not touch those things that may be dangerous to him. A child, depending on age, is at different stages of development. By touching the mobile phone of mom or dad, trying to get to the cup, pouring water from the bowl of a domestic cat, the child, thus, gets to know the world around him, studies it, tastes it.

Should I let my child play with things?
Should I let my child play with things?

First of all, be patient and dexterous, so that, firstly, you do not shout at the baby, and secondly, very quickly pick up something that the little one can hurt or hit on something. Situations in which the child is drawn to the fact that it is as if it is still too early for him, we will consider the most common.

The child reaches for a mobile phone or computer

If you have an expensive phone, get yourself a simpler model, or hold it tighter. As a distraction for a child, you can buy a toy educational phone, the models of which, among other things, are not too colorful, and as much as possible copy the appearance of the most modern smartphone.

If the child does not accept the toy, let him play with a real mobile phone, for example, on a rug or soft couch. It is best to hide the laptop, and also buy a toy tablet or laptop for your child.

Games in the kitchen and bathroom

In advance, remove all piercing and cutting objects in places where the child cannot reach them. Do not forget about the boiling kettle, which should also be pushed as far as possible. Plates, cups, glasses, ideally not breakable, should be placed on the front line. Children love to play with water, pouring it into cups and glasses, pasta, pouring it dry into plates. After all, one should not forget that most kids copy the behavior of adults. Mom washes the dishes and prepares food, the little one repeats almost the same thing in the game. We believe that it is worth allowing him such games: firstly, the child develops, and secondly, it will help in the formation of the future mother's assistant.

Mom and Dad's clothes are also toys

In this case, it is better to give the child several items of clothing for permanent use for games. For the rest of the clothes that hang neatly in the closet and can be used by the child in the game, you need to agree with the child, explaining that you do not mind, but you do not need to spoil things. Emphasize that things after the game need to be collected and put in place. By doing this, you will develop the child's responsibility, as well as order in cleaning their play equipment. In turn, you can play with your child in a fashion show, shop, design studio, which is very important for the development of imaginative thinking and creativity.

The child does not want to play with the usual doll dishes and buckets

Do not throw away shampoo bottles, cream jars, other bottles and containers. Rinse them thoroughly and give them to your child to play with. Immediately draw the baby's attention to the fact that this is an item that mom and dad use. In most cases, the baby will be interested in the objects offered to her, and you will be there to come up with as many games as possible with the child.

Do not scold your child if he brings stones, chestnuts, acorns, leaves, etc. from the street

Anything that the child brought home from the street should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap. Make sure that these are not objects that can be hit or injured. Find a separate box or container for all objects found on the street, where the child will happily put it. Do not be lazy to explain to him what each object represents, where it grows and why it is needed. This will broaden the baby's horizons and prove your attention to the baby again.

Definitely, objects that make a child want to get, touch, smell and taste are endless. Therefore, you should not forget about the safety of your baby for a second.
