Games With Toddlers From 1 To 3 Years Old

Games With Toddlers From 1 To 3 Years Old
Games With Toddlers From 1 To 3 Years Old

Many parents are aware of the need to play with young children. They can be different: at the age of up to one year - these are games aimed at physical development, the study of the surrounding space and the development of spatial coordination. It can also be games-acquaintances with your body. From 1 to 2 years old - games that introduce children to various objects, their quality, sounds and various activities related to these objects.

Games with toddlers
Games with toddlers

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the play activity of the toddler does not fundamentally change, it only adds a variety of play and semantic manipulations and an increase in plot lines (if it is a role-playing game). At first, parents should participate in the play activities of their baby, guiding him, setting feasible tasks, controlling safety and playing time. The main thing that adults should not forget when entering the game is that you are a full-fledged participant in this process, a full-fledged partner, perhaps a little more understanding of the essence of what is happening. The main character in the game is the child.

So games with kids from 1 to 3 years old. Ball games are a variant of sports games. They allow you to develop coordination, observation, the child's eye and other necessary functions. Example of the 1st game. For it, you will need balls of various diameters and an object that replaces or creates an inclined plane, which should be fixed properly at one end. 2 boxes: one for "rolling" balls, the other for "caught" balls. The game involves from 2 people. One of the participants stands near the base of the "mountain", next to him there is also a box with balls for the game. The 1st participant of the game puts the ball on an inclined surface and rolls it, the 2nd participant catches the ball and puts it in the box into which the "caught" balls are put. In order to explain to the child the essence of the game, another adult may be involved in it. To make the game fun, with enthusiasm and rhythm, you can read the following rhyme:

Ball, ball, you roll

And find yourself in the lowland, We take you in the hands, And put it on the hill.

When the first participant has rolled all the balls off the slide, the 2nd participant starts rolling, etc. until the game is logically completed. For this game, you need to use small balls: from 3-8 cm in diameter.

What does a musical game give our miracle? Kids are very fond of various musical experiments, which are accompanied by the development of various sounds and, moreover, are an excellent accompaniment in finding a connection between his actions and the final result, and also contribute to the overall development of the baby.

Variations here can be different. At the age of one and a half years, it can be games with musical instruments and with musical toys, which are accompanied by the words of an adult: "boom-boom drum, ding-ding-ding bell", they contribute to the concentration of the child's attention on the sounds produced, and also develop the child's speech …

Group games can be organized for children from 2 years of age. These can be games with a bell or a jingle ball. The game must be attended by three or more people. They all sit in a circle, an adult takes out a ball or other object of his choice to the children and sings:

Who came to visit us?

The ball has come to visit!

The ball came to the kids

Voiced, bright came

And I'll swing the ball and give (child's name), And (child's name) will shake the ball and give it to another.

After all the participants have swung the ball, the presenter needs to talk about the sound that sounded in this toy or instrument. A three-year-old child can be offered a more complicated task: to decompose instruments in a similar sound.

To do this, you can take jingling balls or tambourines, according to the sound principle: pipes, harmonicas and whistles.

Using a xylophone or a metallophone, you can explain how various animals behave, weather phenomena: how the wind rustles, the grass rustles, thunder rumbles.

You can also use puppets for musical demonstration or dancing. You can arrange a booth with the participation of parsley, such an idea will surely amuse the children. Much depends on the adult's imagination and his involvement in the process.

Here are just a few of the games and activities that we can conduct with our beloved kids both at home and in a children's group. In any case, it all depends on the imagination, resourcefulness and creative approach of an adult, his desire to captivate children.
