Fun Games For The Little Ones

Fun Games For The Little Ones
Fun Games For The Little Ones

In the first months, you don't have to think about the variety of games for a baby. He sleeps a lot, and when he is awake he "prefers" to eat and change a diaper. But time does not stand still, and the curiosity and activity of the crumbs grows with it. What to play if the child is not yet one year old?

Fun games for the little ones
Fun games for the little ones

There are several games in the arsenal of even the most novice mother that do not need to be explained in detail, but also should not be ignored - "Horned Goat" with tickles that cause a happy squeal, "Okay", no less popular among children and parents, poems with a trick "Po bumps "and hide and seek behind the palms" Ku-ku ". But this is always not enough. Maybe not so much a child as a mother gets tired of such monotony.

Now many teachers have remembered the wonderful Russian tradition of singing songs and reading nursery rhymes. You can use any songs and rhymes with a good meaning, which will explain to the kid what is happening around. There are special nursery rhymes known to many grandmothers for washing, dressing, feeding, etc. Memorize a few of them or come up with your own. Here are a few rhymes I wrote for my daughter and her little friends:

My daughter-daughter, Black-eyed night

Clever, clever girl, Wise woman, Daughter-needlewoman, Holidays entertainer, Cope with every case

Sweet beauty"

My son, son -

Big kid.

You will not find bolder

You won't find a stronger one.

Clever little head

Mom's nightingale

Daddy's faithful friend

Our ruddy pie"

Right foot, left foot

Stomp Safka along the path

Right handle, left handle

Disperse the clouds in the sky.

Open your eyes wider

Meet the new day soon!

The nose smells delicious

What's this for breakfast?

And smacks his mouth

And an empty tummy grumbles.

Mom's voice warms the ears -

He says: go to eat.

Mama-mama-ma-ma-m (a)

I say now (I) myself (a)

Daddy daddy

Tell me, I'm a honey.

Ba-ba-ba, granny

Also lapotulechka

De-da, de-da, de-da-de

Where is your mustache?

Hide and seek

Hide and seek games can be varied by covering the child with a scarf or blanket, as well as peeking around the corner. This is a useful workout for temporarily breaking up with your mom. The kid learns a lesson, as it were: mom disappears, but she comes back. Also, a toy can be used as a search object.

Old magazines

Children are very fond of crap magazines and newspapers, the main thing is that they do not have a new issue in their hands, and tasty notes do not end up in their mouths. Glossy magazines are harder to tear, and the pictures are brighter! While you yourself are leafing through one of them, your little one will be especially interested.


The smallest can be offered finger paints. They can smear the whole family and make memorable prints and even whole masterpieces based on them. You should be more careful with pencils, but under vigilant supervision, you can introduce the child to them.

Fine motor skills

Many mothers let the kids play with cereals, pasta, boiled rice. Picking up small objects with his fingers, the child develops handles, learns to make more precise movements. And most importantly, it's very exciting.


You can use cards with images of animals and objects from the very first months of life. Black and white is recommended first, as contrasting colors are most eye-catching. But you can use color cards right away. And if you draw them yourself, the child will be even more interesting. When showing animals, make their own sounds: woof-woof, meow-meow.

Balls and balls

Another great item to play with is a ball or balloon. Kids are delighted with balloons, but there is a danger that they will burst and get very scared. Therefore, it is better to give an inflated ball, then this probability is reduced, or to do with a cloth or rubber ball. They can be rolled to each other or a child can be put on them.

Pyramids and Co.

Pyramids and nesting dolls are excellent simulators for the development of nerve centers, motor skills and hand coordination. Disposable cups, mothers' pots, and other kitchen utensils can also play their role. The main thing is to examine the objects and make sure that they do not pose any danger to the baby.


You can read children's books with thick pages and pictures, or you can read adult books with adequate content. The child will be interested in both, and parents can be saved from rereading the same fairy tales a hundred times.

Secret box

Now homemade fabric books and panels have become popular, to which various zippers, fabrics, Velcro, pockets, and clasps are attached. It's just a kid's paradise. There are so many interesting things in one "bottle". How they love to open the latches and peel off the Velcro! You can order such a thing or make it yourself.

Of course, this is not all. There are so many more great things to do with your little ones, but even this list will help you not get bored. The main thing is not to impose your games if the child is not interested, and alternate intellectual games with outdoor ones. However, movement is one of the ways to develop intelligence, and raising children is a great way to develop parents.
