For most people, separation from loved ones is a real test. A person begins to feel lonely, abandoned, does not find a place for himself. Only a developed character will help you not to suffer during separation.

Step 1
Suffering is often selfish. So, if a close friend is offered a good job abroad, you are more likely to think about how hard it will be for you without him. And only then you will be glad for your comrade. And all because communication has become your habit, you fell into a kind of dependence on it. Therefore, if you want to heal from the melancholy of separation, look deep inside yourself. We all live in a single space, and a really close person will always remain that way for you, even if you are on opposite points of the globe. Think about it more often.
Step 2
The circumstances of separation vary. Sometimes a person is faced with a choice: to leave or go after a loved one. This, in turn, also means separation from home, many people, etc. The most difficult thing in this situation is for those who are used to comfort, in any of its manifestations. But the world does not stand still, so a person should not relax either. If you boldly go towards change, the pain of parting will not even visit you. The future is unknown to anyone, so it's best if you are always ready for the unexpected.
Step 3
But, of course, it is difficult for a person to educate himself to be resistant to any hardships. Therefore, parting can be very difficult to come to terms with. Work will be an effective medicine in this case. This refers not only and not so much to your daily income-generating activities. The work can also be spiritual, for example, reading books, going to a museum. Dedicate your free time to a variety of activities that can captivate you. Their purpose is to make you forget about longing, so it is better that they are really interesting and enjoyable for you. Sports exercises, walks in the fresh air, communication with friends help. Try not to sit around and alone - then you can "slide" into melancholy too quickly. As soon as you catch yourself feeling sad again, mentally send hello to the person you miss. Do not think about how bad you feel without him, but with all your heart wish him happiness and success.