The formula bottle has been the main alternative to breastfeeding for decades. The range of this popular product is impressive. However, even the most recent developments do not guarantee that your little one will easily start feeding from the bottle.

- - bottle warmer;
- - hot water;
- - a mixture for feeding.
Step 1
Try to have someone close to you, other than your mom, start bottle training. This advice is especially relevant if the baby is already used to the breast. If the mother gives a bottle even with breast milk, there is little chance of success: the baby will smell his own scent and will probably refuse the method of feeding he does not understand. Let the first steps in bottle feeding be made by someone you know very well. The breastfeeding position should also not be the same as the one in which you normally breastfeed.
Step 2
Start bottle training at night when your baby is hungry and half asleep. Most often, in this case, the baby wakes up only because of the desire to eat. Make sure that he was not woken up by other reasons (loud noises, bright light, uncomfortable air temperature, unwell) and offer him a bottle. Asleep, the baby will begin to eat much more willingly. After feeding, shake the cradle and stroke your baby so that he can get the extra feeling of contact with you, which is usual during breastfeeding.
Step 3
Try experimenting with both the bottles themselves and their temperatures. If your baby has given up on one of them, try another option. Get a bottle warmer. It is not at all necessary to give a warm mixture: it is quite possible that the child will like food at room temperature more.
Step 4
Keep the teat of the bottle under hot water for a minute and then refrigerate to a suitable temperature. After such manipulation, the material will become softer and more pliable, and it will be more pleasant for the baby to take it in his mouth.