Poor appetite is bad for the health of the child and spoils the mood of his parents. The baby's further mental and physical development depends on the quality of the baby's nutrition. Therefore, by all means, you should instill in his interest in food. Using the five time-tested, practical tips can help your child improve their appetite and establish healthy eating habits.

1. The power of the reflex. You need to try to feed the baby at certain hours to develop a conditioned reflex in him. This helps to increase the production of digestive juices at the start of feeding and better digestion of food. The child will be well hungry by that time, due to which there will be a positive reaction to the food.
2. Passion for the process. Bright, colorful dishes can develop interest in the process of eating. The experience of young mothers shows that with beautiful dishes it becomes much easier to persuade a child to eat.
3. Only calmness. It is very important that the child is not agitated, tired, or irritated. Otherwise, he will not be able to boast of a good appetite. Therefore, you cannot abruptly interrupt the games or other activities of the baby and immediately seat him at the table. It is necessary to distract him from classes and tune in to a calm mood about 20 - 30 minutes before meals, for example, by reading a book.
4. Ritual of eating. The systematic performance of the same actions before meals creates a certain mood and promotes appetite. This can be, for example, table setting or some other help in preparing for dinner.
5. No snacks! Baking, various sweets, soda and sweet tea between meals relieve the excitability of the food center, impairing appetite.