How To Keep Your Baby Safe From Mosquitoes

How To Keep Your Baby Safe From Mosquitoes
How To Keep Your Baby Safe From Mosquitoes

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The bite of a domestic mosquito, although not fatal for a baby, causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Because of the itching, the child, as a rule, does not sleep well, is naughty, refuses to eat. In addition, the baby can comb the pimple to the wound, and there it is not far from the infection. All this can be avoided by protecting the baby from mosquitoes.

How to keep your baby safe from mosquitoes
How to keep your baby safe from mosquitoes

Funds from the store

Today, manufacturers of anti-mosquito protection offer many products, including for children. For example, sprays, lotions, creams, special wet wipes. Experts advise using them to process not the skin, but clothes and the canopy of the stroller. Returning home from a walk, be sure to change your child's clothes and wash his face and hands with soap and warm water. A huge disadvantage of using such funds is that children often develop allergies to chemicals. In addition, mosquito poison can get into the eyes and mouth of the little one.

Not so long ago, anti-mosquito bracelets for children appeared on sale. Manufacturers assure that they do not contain toxic substances and are safe even for newborns. Such a bracelet is worn on the arm or leg of the child. You can also hang it over the bed to protect your baby from mosquito bites at home.

Folk remedies

It has long been noted that some odors repel mosquitoes. For example, these bloodsuckers are afraid of the aroma of citrus, lavender, geranium, cloves, vanilla, eucalyptus. Here are some popular recipes for keeping your baby safe from insects. Mix regular confectionery vanillin with vegetable oil or baby cream. Apply the mixture to your child's clothing and exposed skin before walking. For babies with very sensitive skin, you can use this remedy: for 50 milliliters of vegetable oil, take 30 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of clove. It is better to store the mixture in a dark glass bottle, and shake well before use. You can also just apply a couple of drops of one of the plant oils that mosquitoes hate on your baby's clothes and stroller. The main thing is to monitor the health of the crumbs, sometimes natural smells cause allergies.

Among other things, when going for a walk, it is worth remembering a few simple rules. To prevent mosquitoes from reaching the baby's skin, dress him so that the arms and legs are covered. At the same time, clothes should not fit snugly to the body and be too bright. Choose outfits of light colors for walking, they attract insects less. Also, do not use cosmetics with strong odors yourself. After all, while some smells scare away mosquitoes, others, on the contrary, attract them.

If it was not possible to save the child from the bite, treat the pimple with brilliant green, alcohol solution, ammonia, 30% hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. You can also make lotions from baking soda or salt - a teaspoon in a glass of cool water. It helps to relieve redness and itching from mosquito bites calendula tincture. You can also anoint the bite with mint toothpaste. It is important not to let the baby scratch the pimple to the wound so that an infection does not get into it.
