Young children often get sick and in most cases have acute respiratory diseases. Some of them are bacterial, some are viral infections. Often, parents, without waiting for a doctor, independently decide to treat a child with antibiotics in order to speed up his recovery and prevent complications. However, the use of antibiotics is not always required.

- - cool humid air in the room;
- - plentiful drink;
- - paracetamol or ibuprofen;
- - saline;
- - vaseline, peach or olive oil;
- - medicinal herbs;
- - soda;
- - salt;
- - iodine.
Step 1
If your child complains of discomfort, coughs, a runny nose and high fever, call the doctor first. Without a medical education, it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis, even if the symptoms of the disease are familiar to you: different parts of the respiratory system can be affected by the infection, therefore, treatment is also needed differently.
Step 2
The room where the child lives should have cool, humid air: temperature 16-18 degrees, relative humidity 50-70%. Of course, the baby needs to be warmly dressed.
Step 3
Give your child plenty of water, tea, non-carbonated mineral water. Prepare a decoction of raisins, dried fruit compote, tea with raspberries or honey, if there is no allergy. This is necessary to accelerate the process of heat transfer, remove toxins from the body, and dilute mucus and sputum. The drinking temperature should be approximately equal to the baby's body temperature so that the liquid is absorbed into the blood faster and prevents it from thickening.
Step 4
An increase in body temperature means that the body is actively producing interferon, which is necessary to fight the virus. If the child tolerates an elevated temperature normally (runs, plays, behaves as usual), then before the doctor's appointment, do not bring it down with antipyretic drugs. If the baby has diseases of the nervous system, a tendency to seizures, the child is objectively not feeling well or the temperature has exceeded 39 degrees, give paracetamol or ibuprofen (children over 6 months old).
Step 5
Do not use to reduce the temperature of wrapping a damp sheet, blowing air from a fan, ice heating pads on the child: cold can cause spasm of blood vessels of the skin, while its temperature decreases, and the temperature of internal organs rises, which is very dangerous. In addition, do not rub the baby with vodka and vinegar: through the skin, alcohol and acid are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause intoxication of the body.
Step 6
In case of a runny nose, every 1-2 hours, instill 3-4 drops of physiological solution, which can be bought at the pharmacy, into both nostrils. It can be replaced with a solution of table salt: 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Roll turundochki out of cotton wool, moisten them with vaseline, olive or peach oil and lubricate the child's nasal passages so that the nasal mucous membranes do not dry out. Do not drip antibiotic solutions, breast milk and vasoconstrictor drops ("Naphtizin", "Sanorin", "Galazolin", "Nazol").
Step 7
Acute respiratory viral infections are accompanied by a cough that clears mucus from the airways. To keep it from drying out, you need a plentiful warm drink. Do not use antitussives without a doctor's prescription. To facilitate the discharge of sputum will help thinning drugs: "Ambroxol", "Bromhexin", "ACC", "Mukaltin", ammonia-anise drops).
Step 8
For sore throat, wrap a warm scarf around your child's neck. Do not give hot drinks (only warm), feed pureed food. Every hour or 2, gargle with any of the following solutions:
- 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp. soda, 2 drops of iodine in 1 glass of water;
- 1 tsp soda for 1 glass of water;
- plantain infusion: 2.tbsp. leaves for 1 cup boiling water;
- infusion of sage (pine buds, chamomile, nettle, etc.): 3-4 tbsp. 200 ml of boiling water.
Step 9
If the doctor diagnosed a viral infection and prescribed antiviral drugs ("Remantadin", "Ribavirin") or interferons ("Grippferon", "Arbidol", "Amiksin", etc.), arrange their admission to the child in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions. Also, homeopathic remedies ("Aflubin", "Anaferon", "Otsillococcinum", etc.) are often prescribed for the treatment of viral infections. Physiotherapy and massage have a good healing effect.
Step 10
In the event that the doctor has established an acute bacterial infection, exacerbation of a chronic bacterial infection or a bacterial complication of a viral infection, antibiotics are required: without them, rheumatic complications, joint pains, changes in the heart valves can occur.