How To Lose Weight For A Teenager

How To Lose Weight For A Teenager
How To Lose Weight For A Teenager

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The fact that the teenager became overweight is a great fault of his parents, who did not instill in the child the correct eating habits. Since it is impossible for a teenager to follow a strict diet, in order to lose weight, he needs to learn how to eat well and acquire new healthy habits.

How to lose weight for a teenager
How to lose weight for a teenager


Step 1

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the medical causes of excess weight in a child. In some cases, the cause of obesity can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases. See your doctor for advice.

Step 2

It is very important for a growing body that the diet is balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Considering the energy needs of adolescents, the ratio of these elements should be 1: 1: 4. The skew towards higher carbohydrates and fats leads to weight gain.

Step 3

Should give up animal fats - fatty meat and fish. Be sure to exclude mayonnaise, spices, and salty foods. they whet the appetite. Sweets are another source of excess weight. Limit your intake of pure sugar, sweets, cakes, pastries, especially those with fatty cream. Permitted sweets - jelly, dried fruits, berry, dairy and curd desserts. The body's need for carbohydrates should be satisfied by cereals, vegetables and fruits, products from durum wheat.

Step 4

Special mention should be made of fast food. There is nothing useful in such food, only a huge amount of calories. Avoid fast food establishments. But if, nevertheless, a teenager has to have a snack there, you need to limit yourself to a milkshake, fresh fruit or salad. Also, a losing weight teenager should be prohibited from drinking lemonades, energy drinks, coffee and tea. Replace them with juices, fruit drinks, milk and sour milk drinks. Chips loved by almost all children should be replaced with whole grain crisps.

Step 5

Explain to your child the reasons why you are listing certain foods - he needs to know about their dangers. A categorical prohibition without explanation can lead to protest on the part of a teenager. Once a week, allow your child to indulge in a treat from the forbidden list. After that, however, you should go for a walk, ride a bike or swim in the pool.

Step 6

When accustoming your child to proper nutrition, follow these rules yourself. For a teenager, the personal example of loved ones is very important. Joint sports activities will also be useful. Praise and reward your child for every pound lost. Your reward will be your teen's health and good mood, as well as a good relationship with him.
