Pediatricians are sounding the alarm: many first graders not only have health problems, but also do not know anything about basic sanitary and hygienic standards, which also poses a threat to children.

Step 1
Many parents confidently refer to the modern ecology and poor quality of food, trying to explain the health problems in their children. However, experts stand their ground - the cause of many diseases, including quite serious ones, is the lack of attention of adults to the upbringing and development of a baby at a very early age. For example, children who are not taught to brush their teeth well in time run the risk of becoming regular dentist patients by school. This is especially true for those babies whose parents used sweets as a solution to problems. As a result, candy, which has become a panacea for whims and the basis for a contractual relationship with a child, can lead to the development of not only caries, but also malocclusion. Those babies who do not know about the need to wash their hands before eating are at risk of going to the hospital with food poisoning or becoming infected with worms.
Step 2
According to experts, in most cases the parents are to blame for the decayed teeth in children. Firstly, adults did not teach the child to take care of the oral cavity, and secondly, they did not monitor the quality of food well, as a result, many children prefer candies and sweets instead of apples and other fruits. Thus, it is important to promptly try to help the baby learn how to use the brush in order to avoid visits to the dentist in the future - after all, even many adults shudder to think about visiting these doctors.
Step 3
It is important to teach your child the basics of safety from an early age. You can try to reduce the number of injuries by spending time in advance on detailed explanations: how to cross the road, why you should not touch a hot iron, how dangerous the socket and wires sticking out of the ground, etc. Not a single child is insured against injuries, but it is the duty of parents to try to minimize their likelihood by explaining to the child the elementary rules of their own safe behavior. As it is practiced in Japan, children can do anything except what poses a potential danger to their health (for example, playing with knives and needles). It is only important to explain what may follow such entertainment, gradually convincing the child to be more careful. It must be remembered that one's own example is also extremely convincing, that is, parents, in particular, are simply obliged to follow the rules of the road in order to instill this habit in the child, making his future life safe.
Step 4
As it was possible to establish American psychologists, of the children playing on the playground or in the park, those around whom worried mothers or nannies run around, warning them against one step or another, are much more at risk. A child climbing a ladder to such accompaniment, according to researchers, is more likely to fall to the ground than those who act independently. Parents need to give the kids the freedom to master the surrounding space - he himself must feel the consequences of his own actions in order to learn subsequently to adequately assess his strength. Of course, within reasonable limits, depending on age, children should learn to be independent. Then, after they reach school age, it will be safer for parents to send them to an educational institution.
Step 5
To preserve the vision and posture of a preschooler, as well as to avoid problems in his psycho-emotional development, it is necessary to limit the viewing of television programs, as well as games with various modern gadgets. According to a number of scientific studies, parents who accustom their children to such a pastime are doing babies a disservice. After several years, a child can be diagnosed with a wide range of diseases and disorders - from myopia to obesity (when watching cartoons is accompanied by thoughtless absorption of sweets), as well as increased nervous irritability.