Mental hygiene takes an important place in the life of parents and children. With proper adherence to the basics of psychoprophylaxis, the family will help the child prevent the emergence of various neurotic problems.

Is one of the most common childhood neurotic disorders. However, its appearance can be prevented by observing the rules of mental hygiene. First of all, the expectant mother and her spouse should take care of their mental, physical and social health. A pregnant woman should eat all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the child, maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In the early years, you should not give the baby to be raised by strangers, tk. an emotional bond is formed between mother and child. Prevention of childhood neuroses consists in a healthy lifestyle of the child, proper nutrition, adequate sleep-wakefulness, regulation of physical and mental stress.
Adequate and productive upbringing is central to psychohygienic guidelines. The family must bring up all the necessary traits and qualities in the child: hard work, benevolence, versatility, perseverance, etc. Parents should pay enough attention to the child, play with him, analyze his actions and methods of correcting past failures. Parents should praise their child in moderation. It is not necessary to fulfill his every desire all the time, however, authoritarianism on the part of the parents can be disastrous.