Baby Whooping Cough

Baby Whooping Cough
Baby Whooping Cough

Diseases of children have always caused a lot of trouble for parents and the children themselves. Whooping cough is especially dangerous in the first years of a child's life. If you do not consult a doctor on time, complications and even death may occur. In the modern world, there are vaccinations against whooping cough, which significantly reduce the statistics of the disease in children with this ailment. It is worth noting that vaccinations are still important, despite many mothers refusing vaccinations.

Baby whooping cough
Baby whooping cough

This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and enters the child's bloodstream, causing a severe cough. It is caused by whooping cough, which enters the child's respiratory tract. Pertussis in children manifests itself after the first week of the disease. The disease from the first days begins with a small runny nose, cough. That is, it is very similar to a cold. Having healed a little, the parent confidently sends the child to the kindergarten with a slight cough. This is where the fun begins. The child's cough intensifies and has a paroxysmal character. The child coughs paroxysm, until vomiting.

In such a situation, urgently contact a doctor who will find out the nature of the disease with the help of special tests. But, if a child begins to cough from the first week of the disease, do not rush to draw conclusions. Just in the first week, coughing is considered normal. The duration of the disease is from four weeks to two months. At the age of children under two years of age, whooping cough depletes the body and can even lead to pneumonia. The smallest children under one year old are required to be hospitalized, since their immunity is still quite weak, and the child needs constant monitoring by doctors. During illness, it is worth limiting the child from communicating with other children.

Caring for a sick child is reduced primarily to airing the room, and the correct daily routine, in which a special place is given to walks in the fresh air. If the child is prone to vomiting after a coughing fit, start eating after a coughing fit. The child's diet should consist of high-calorie, semi-liquid food. Older children do not need bed rest, but babies will need it. But, in any case, do not self-medicate. Be sure to show your child to a specialist. It is the doctor who will be able to make the correct diagnosis. Correct treatment will save you from unpleasant situations and complications. The health of your children is in your hands.
