According to psychologists, reading together is an indispensable element of raising children. With the help of this rather simple and enjoyable activity, you can not only instill in your child a love of books, but also teach him many other useful and important skills.

It is believed that the most convincing is their own example, when, instead of boring notations and censures, parents themselves demonstrate both the correct model of behavior and many good habits, including reading. If a mother or father does not deny themselves the pleasure of reading from time to time, regardless of whether it is a new novel or a glossy magazine, sooner or later the child will show interest in the printed word. And then the parents will only have to guide the baby, supporting and helping him in mastering this necessary and useful skill.
Psychologists warn against going to extremes, offering girls only books about princesses and fairies. The child should be free to choose and be able to see and compare a variety of fairy tales and stories.
Reading for the little ones
When a child is just beginning to be interested in books, there is not much difference between literature that suits girls or boys. The main thing at this stage is to support and develop the child's interest in reading. It is good if the book contains a lot of illustrations, studying which together with adults, children will have an excellent opportunity to increase both active and passive vocabulary.
Not all young women choose such classic fairy tales for girls as, for example, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. It also happens that the girl is much more interested in stories about animals or some fictional characters. After a while, the child may already have favorite books, and it will be easier for parents to choose an interesting book for him.
Younger preschoolers
When the child has reached an age and developmental level that allows discussion of what he has read, it is important to combine reading with analysis. A useful lesson can be learned from almost every fairy tale - for example, "Turnip" teaches that collective efforts are much more effective, and the aforementioned "Cinderella" is an example of how work, diligence and kindness can be rewarded.
Regardless of the gender of the child, during this period it is worth choosing books that can give a positive example. It is important not only to read, but also to unobtrusively check whether the kid has correctly understood the meaning of a particular fairy tale or story. At the age of 3-4 years, when children already have the first idea of the difference between the sexes, the corresponding characters are more suitable for girls - Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Marya the master, etc.
Some children, especially girls, can show character and perseverance from a very young age when choosing a particular book.
Reading for older preschoolers
Girls who have already turned 5-7 years old are often able not only to choose a book to their liking, but also to read it. In this case, the parents are also required to help the child maintain interest in the printed word, but also to find time not only for discussion, but also reading together. According to psychologists, such a pastime, especially if it is a stable habit, can significantly improve family relationships. In particular, children to whom books have been read are quite often in a trusting relationship with their parents.
Parents of girls during this period can be recommended books, the characters and heroes of which have the skills necessary for the child. For example, fairy tales in which diligence and friendship are encouraged, and anger and laziness are condemned.
Books for schoolgirls
In addition to the school curriculum, girls of this age may find useful stories about their peers, as well as the life stories of famous people of this age. Books that teach children and adolescents how to build relationships with their friends, both in class and in life, can be especially helpful. But a variety of glossy publications, which are increasingly spreading and have a strong influence on fragile minds, should be limited, or at least made sure that the study of various publications devoted to fashion and beauty is balanced by reading useful books and fiction.