The process of children's development is inextricably linked with the formation of skills and abilities, which takes a lot of time, only parental care can help to speed up this path as much as possible.

Step 1
The formation of skills in children is an important stage in development, since it is certain skills that are the key to a developed personality and, therefore, a capable and successful person. With the growth of babies, the range of their interests also increases, the child begins to learn the world, and for this he needs motor skills that are inextricably linked with such qualities as agility and speed.
Step 2
Motor skills begin to manifest themselves from the moment the baby begins to confidently crawl, walk, without realizing it, that is, walking skills reach automatism. In order to develop such abilities, there are many games and exercises that help the baby to freely dispose of the movements of his own body in space. Motor skills acquired at an early age lend themselves to automation much better than those acquired later in life. If mastering motor skills presents some difficulty for a child, it is necessary to carefully deal with him individually. Thus, the development of motor abilities requires constant help, work and efforts made by the parents.
Step 3
In addition to motor skills, children also have communication skills, that is, the ability to communicate. The skills of interaction with people allow the baby to understand those around him, enable those around him to understand the child and, thereby, achieve what they want. Of course, the main mode of human communication is speech. It is much easier for children to learn this skill among their own kind. That is why it is extremely important for babies to be with other children in kindergarten, on the playground and in other similar places. The status of the child in society, therefore, his self-esteem depends on such communication. In this case, the main task of the parents is to try to activate the child, help him establish contact with his peers, and create favorable conditions for such communication.
Step 4
The skills of babies are constantly getting more complicated and improved. The older the child becomes, the more the circle of his knowledge expands, which increases the circle of the unknown, pushing the child to acquire skills for comprehending new things. The task of parents is as follows: they should be as sensitive as possible to this process, help the child in comprehending skills and thereby contribute to the formation of an integral personality.