On the very first day of the birth of a new life, the sperm combines with the female egg. At this moment, one large cell is formed, containing the chromosomes of both parents of the unborn child. This cell already has a full range of genetic information about the child. About what sex he will be born with, what color of skin, hair, eyes and other data. How is the child further formed in the womb?

Step 1
At four weeks from the moment of conception, the baby's head is fully formed, the heart, arms and legs, brain and spine are formed. Ultrasound at this time may indicate blood circulation inside the embryo. After another two weeks, fingers and legs are formed, on the ultrasound machine, the doctor will be able to distinguish the eyes, ears of the baby.
Step 2
The eighth week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the baby at this time is already fully present, but not fully formed, all parts of the body. And in the tenth week, nails appear on the fingers and toes. The doctor's stethoscope at this moment can hear the baby's heartbeat. He is moving, though not yet noticeable to his mother.
Step 3
The twelfth week "teaches" the child to swallow, to produce urine by the kidneys. The sex of the child at this time can already be distinguished by ultrasound. After another two weeks, hair is formed on the baby's head, the baby's head, arms and legs are fully formed.
Step 4
At sixteen weeks on ultrasound you can clearly "see" the baby's ears, his face, body parts. The child blinks actively, opens his mouth. His mother can feel the first weak tremors of the baby in the womb, but this happens most noticeably at eighteen weeks of pregnancy.
Step 5
During the twentieth week, you can go for an ultrasound examination to determine the sex of the unborn child. It is at this time that you can be confident in the words of the doctor. At this time, the baby sucks his finger, his brain is actively forming, the renal system begins to function productively. And two weeks later, the child begins to hear the mother. The baby's lungs are well developed.
Step 6
The third trimester of pregnancy begins at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. By this time, the baby is already so formed that in the event of a miscarriage of pregnancy, there would be every chance of his survival. At the twenty-sixth week, his eyes begin to open slightly, his lips and mouth become sensitive.
Step 7
The twenty-eighth week from the moment of conception is characterized by the fact that the baby in the womb can already hiccup (lungs work), even cry, close when he needs to, and open his eyes.
Step 8
In the thirty-second week, all babies born at this time are able to survive. The child grows especially actively in the womb. His skin becomes smooth and pink. After another two weeks, the baby turns his head, the hairs on the head become silky.
Step 9
In the final thirty-eight to forty weeks of pregnancy, the total height of the baby is approximately 50 cm, and it weighs from 2.5 to 4 kg. The baby is so developed by this date that he is completely ready for his future birth.