It is rare for breastfed babies to give up breast independently and painlessly. Therefore, some mothers are very worried about how to wean a baby from breast milk.

Step 1
Wean your baby gradually. Start by replacing one of your daily meals with something else. Then replace the morning feed, and then the evening feed. Therefore, leave breastfeeding only at bedtime. The interval between each change must be at least one week. The food that you will give your baby instead of breast milk should be tasty and healthy.
Step 2
To make weaning from the breast as painless as possible for the baby, change the “ritual” of feeding, that is, feed him in another place, do not change clothes with the baby, etc.
Step 3
Try not to wean your baby off breast milk too abruptly, as this will make him uncomfortable. If the baby is excited or scared, is it okay if you give him a breast? However, over time, find other ways to comfort your child.
Step 4
Bottle feed your baby with your own milk. It is much easier to suck from it, the baby will understand this over time and will not want to breastfeed.
Step 5
During the period of weaning, do not leave home for a long time. By doing this, you can harm the baby, because for him it is already a difficult period, and this will be double stress.
Step 6
Do not wean your baby off breastfeeding when sick, after a vaccination, or when teething.
Step 7
Take lactation-reducing drugs. Drink less. Eat milk-promoting foods to a minimum. Express and exercise often.
Step 8
If the baby is not yet ready to give up breast milk and is constantly naughty, wait a little, choosing the most appropriate moment.
Step 9
In no case, do not use methods such as smearing the nipples with something bitter or brilliant green to wean the baby from breastfeeding. You will cause yourself new troubles, and the child will have a lot of emotional stress.