When To Wean

When To Wean
When To Wean

Table of contents:


Weaning is possible at the onset of the stage of involution of breast milk. Between 1 year and 3 months to 3 years, young mothers may notice physical and mental exhaustion, which can be a sure sign that it's time to wean.

when can we wean from the breast?
when can we wean from the breast?


Step 1

Most new mothers perceive the process of weaning as extremely painful and difficult, having no idea how it should happen and for how long. However, there are several factors that can directly or indirectly indicate that it is time to wean.

Step 2

The point is that your breast milk goes through three stages of formation: becoming, maturity, and wilting (involution). It is precisely the involution, which occurs between 1 year and three months to 3 years, which marks the beginning of a favorable period for weaning. At this age, the baby's immune system is already sufficiently developed to resist various infections, so you can not be afraid that he will often get sick due to the deprivation of breast milk.

Step 3

Involution is accompanied by a slight breast filling in the absence of attachment of the baby. That is, if your breasts remain soft all day and do not feel painful when filled, then this means that you are really ready for weaning. The body can itself signal its readiness to stop breastfeeding by physical exhaustion. At the same time, you may not leave the feeling that the child is pulling all the veins out of you. If you experience weakness, dizziness, and sore nipples, you may seriously consider giving up breastfeeding.

Step 4

If you notice that the sucking activity of the baby has increased, if during one feeding he is applied to one or the other breast, restlessly fingering the nipples and even biting them, then this is a sure sign that the baby does not have enough milk, its reserves are depleted and the time has come. wean. Such physical fatigue will certainly affect your psychological state: every day the desire to run away and hide from your own child will become more and more obsessive.

Step 5

Consider your baby's health when deciding to start weaning. During illness and during the period of prophylactic vaccinations, weaning cannot be taken from the breast. The same applies to the hot season, when the need for fluid increases greatly and the activity of pathogenic microflora increases. If your baby easily falls asleep without you, for example, with dad or grandmother, and does not remember the breast when you return, then this is a sure sign that it's time. It seems to all mothers that the baby is experiencing separation from the breast more than they. But this is not the case. After a year, babies endure weaning easier than their mothers and quickly forget that they once "hung" on her for hours and found comfort and protection here.
