After new products replace breast milk or formula, mothers have a lot of questions about how to cook for children under one year old. Children's kitchen recipes are quite simple, but at the same time they are prepared in accordance with the general rules.

- - quality products,
- - double boiler.
Step 1
When preparing dishes for baby food, you need to remember that excessively long heat treatment reduces the content of vitamins to a minimum, but insufficient is even more dangerous, since it can lead to the preservation of pathogenic bacteria in food. The digestive system of a child at this age is just being formed and is very sensitive to microbes, therefore, hygiene in the kitchen is the key to children's health.
Step 2
In order for the products to preserve the greatest amount of nutrients, food for children under one year old should be fresh. It is advisable to prepare meals just before eating them, as reheating reduces the amount of vitamins they contain.
Step 3
Sometimes parents ignore factory-made baby food, believing that fresh vegetables from the market are healthier. There is some truth in this, but only in those cases when it comes to vegetables and fruits collected on your site. This allows you to be sure that there are no harmful nitrates in the gifts of nature. Unfortunately, these substances are often found in excess in greenhouse-grown vegetables. Nitrates are unevenly distributed in fruits, but most of them accumulate in the skin. Therefore, for the preparation of children's dishes from vegetables and fruits, it is advisable to peel off the skin.
Step 4
Cooking meals for a child under one year old is best done with steam. Such food is obtained completely dietary, and also retains all the beneficial substances. During cooking, most of the vitamins go into the water, which is good only when making soups. In a double boiler, you can cook not only vegetables, but also omelets, meat dishes. Steamed meatballs or cutlets are very tender. Towards the year, the consistency of the food should already be thicker and contain small pieces so that the child learns to chew.