Each family has its own methods of raising children. Some parents practice sleeping together with their baby, while others, on the contrary, are categorically against it. Both the first and second options have a right to exist. In this matter, you should rely on the general marital status. If everyone is comfortable with one or another option for a night's rest, then the decision made is correct.

The pros of sleeping together
Most often, even before the baby is born, parents are firmly convinced that the baby will be happy to sniff in his crib. However, after several sleepless nights, the tortured mother takes the child to her bed, and all subsequent nights are much calmer.
If a joint sleep allows the child, mother and all other residents of the apartment to rest and sleep well, then this option should not be neglected. In addition to the baby, the mother has many daily chores around the house. And if she doesn't get enough sleep at night, in a month, instead of a loving wife and mother, a tired, twitchy, nervous woman with an equally nervous baby will appear. After all, babies very much feel the mood of their mother. This is one of the many benefits of sleeping together with mom and baby.
In the first months of life, the child needs the constant presence of the mother. He should smell her, the beating of her heart. The kid must understand that he is safe. And with the option when the child sleeps with his mother, this need is 100% satisfied.
Mom's sleep becomes as sensitive as possible, she catches the baby's movements, hears how he breathes in his sleep. A woman gets a lot of positive emotions when her baby sleeps next to her. It's so nice to hug your own warm lump.
There is an assumption that when sleeping together, the biorhythms of mother and child begin to coincide, which is also a plus and makes life easier for both mother and baby. If a woman had to go to work early, then sleeping together helps to make up for the lack of communication. And finally, because thermoregulation in newborns has not yet been debugged, the baby will never freeze next to his mother.
Cons of sleeping together
If the child sleeps quietly separately, waking up once or twice a night to refresh himself, then it is worth rejoicing at this coincidence and enjoying a separate sleep.
The main disadvantage is the fear of young parents to crush the baby in a dream. Do not be afraid of this, tk. maternal instinct will not allow mommy to harm her child. It is worth fearing for the baby only if the woman is intoxicated or intoxicated. In this case, it is better to put the child in a separate bed. Dads, of course, are less sensitive. Therefore, it is best to place the baby on the mother's side.
When sleeping together, it is difficult for parents to establish their personal life. It is a fact. But even here you can find a way out. You can find interesting new places to have sex. One has only to dream up.
Parents worry that the child will remain in their bed forever. This fear is also unjustified. After three years, a child needs personal space, a place of solitude. Taking advantage of this, the baby can be practically painlessly transferred to a separate bed or even to a separate room.
Some people think that it is unhygienic for a baby to sleep in a parent's bed. In fact, when breastfeeding, the flora of mom and baby is the same. So in this matter it is worth following only a few elementary rules. While the child is very small, it is worth putting a diaper under him. In an older age, the need for a diaper disappears.
To choose which option is most suitable for your family, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The main thing is to listen only to those who live with you in the same apartment, and not to those who "know everything better than others."