With the birth of a child, parents have a question where the baby should sleep at night. Some put the baby with them, others insist on the baby's sleep in the crib. Consider the pros and cons of sharing your baby's sleep with their parents.

The main argument in favor of sleeping together is that the mother does not need to get up to feed the baby. Most women wake up for just a few seconds to breastfeed their baby. Thanks to this, the mother gets enough sleep at night. The child eats in a dream and also sleeps peacefully for 10-12 hours.
When sleeping together, the question of hygiene arises. Some parents do not want their child to sleep in an adult bed, as it is difficult to maintain perfect cleanliness there. The child spends several hours a day in his parents' arms, breathing in all the germs. Therefore, the baby will not meet anything new in the parental bed. It is quite enough to change bed linen in a timely manner and take a shower regularly so that the baby is not in danger.
To prevent the child from falling out of bed, in the first months, it is enough to put a towel roller behind his back. In the future, it is better to put the baby between the parents or between the wall and the parents. You can also install protective bumpers on the bed. The question often arises whether the mother will crush the baby in a dream. This is almost impossible if mom is healthy and sober.
It is believed that sleeping with a child can negatively affect a parent's sex life. This question depends on the couple's habits. Many parents are not bothered by a sleeping baby, some prefer to leave, for example, to another room.