Many mothers fear that their baby does not have enough milk and, by all means and means, try to increase its amount. But what to do if there is too much milk and the baby does not eat everything. Painful bumps appear on the chest, which do not give rest, cause anxiety and fear of possible consequences. Breastfeeding turns into a nightmare and no longer causes those positive emotions for which there was an initial mood.

- - Sage;
- - mint.
Step 1
Do not drink hot drinks or take hot showers before feeding. Feed your baby not by the hour, but on demand - offer him to suck about every hour and a half. Change your breasts every three hours, if he wants to eat several times during this time, then offer him the same breasts. Take 4 hour night breaks between feeds.
Step 2
Do not give your baby a pacifier, as a baby sucking on a pacifier sucks milk less and feels the need to kiss the breast less often.
Never express every last drop of milk after you finish feeding, only until you feel relieved. In other words, the breasts should be soft, without lumps. Complete pumping is most often the cause of hyperlactation.
Strain seals and bumps completely.
Step 3
Try to gradually minimize nighttime pumping. Of course, this should be done if you sleep with your baby and he sucks at night.
Remember that the more milk you express, the more your body produces. We must strive for mature lactation, i.e. when milk is produced as much as your baby can eat. Over time, pumping will become unnecessary. The breasts will be constantly soft and the milk will "flush" in it when the baby makes a few sucking movements. It is he who will regulate milk production with his appetite.
Step 4
Taking broths of mint and sage helps to reduce milk production. Prepare the broth as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of the herb (or a portioned filter bag) with 2 cups of boiling water. Drink several sips throughout the day.