How To Mold A Person From Plasticine: Help In The Early Development Of Children

How To Mold A Person From Plasticine: Help In The Early Development Of Children
How To Mold A Person From Plasticine: Help In The Early Development Of Children

There comes a time when it's time for a kid to learn something new, to master modeling with plasticine, for example. This material is of great interest, but sometimes it is not so easy to cope with it and mold a figurine.

How to mold a person from plasticine: help in the early development of children
How to mold a person from plasticine: help in the early development of children

Acquaintance with plasticine

If the child is already 1, 5 years old, it's time to introduce him to modeling. However, one must be prepared that before starting to work with the material, the baby will most likely want to taste it or rub it on the floor, furniture, stretch it, stick it on the hair, and the like. Avoiding the extreme degree of "madness", still let him do it. Let it satisfy your curiosity.

Then try to bring him back to the goal of your game and explain what the clay is for and what you are going to do with it. The kid is categorically determined and does not want to consider such curious, new material for himself in your interests, since he has his own plans for him? Don't insist. In other words, if the child is not yet ready and shows restlessness and distraction, put everything in a box and defiantly put it away for a couple of weeks.

Then repeat the whole process again. The kid will definitely recognize the coveted box and, of course, will want to play again. But this time, be more persistent and explain again and show the baby what wonderful and bright things you can sculpt from plasticine. Repeat the procedure from the beginning if necessary. This is the early development of the child: training the perseverance and interest of the baby in any activity. If you are determined, be patient.

Sculpt a man

Of course, you shouldn't start sculpting people right away with a small child. To begin with, create a circle, a cube, an apple, then a dog, a bird, and so on together. From simple geometric shapes - gradually to complex ones. Of course, at an early age, plasticine is extremely important in the development of the baby. However, use it more for play than for “work”.

As soon as all the stages of acquaintance are passed, simple figures are molded, interest the kid with work on a real masterpiece. For example, offer to blind dad or sister, brother, grandmother, and so on. It depends on whom he loves more. The kid's imagination will be played out, he will get down to business with interest with your help.

Start at the head. Roll up a ball, then start sculpting hair, eyes, mouth. In the process, ask your child questions: “What kind of eyes do dad (grandmother, sister, etc.) have? What hairs? The kid will answer, and together you blind the person. Depending on the age of the child, determine the detail of your work. For example, it is not necessary to sculpt a dress or trousers if the baby is not even 2 years old. You will learn this much later.

At the end, invite the kid to show his masterpiece himself to the person to whom his painstaking work was dedicated. "Model" will praise the author, which will delight the child and push him to even greater achievements.
