How To Intensify Contractions

How To Intensify Contractions
How To Intensify Contractions

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Childbirth is not only a difficult, but sometimes unpredictable process. You never know in advance how everything will go. Often, for a successful delivery, doctors resort to stimulating contractions. But this is done only if complications have arisen during pregnancy or childbirth.

How to intensify contractions
How to intensify contractions


  • - massage;
  • - movement;
  • - nipple stimulation;
  • - herbal tea;
  • - have sex;


Step 1

Get a massage. Often, simply pressing on certain points on the body can intensify the contractions. To do this, feel the splenic point on the inner ankle 4 fingers above it. Within 10-15 minutes, press it 3 times at intervals. Massage of the sacral area of the spine effectively enhances contractions. It is desirable that the procedure be performed by another person. This will ease your condition. Massage techniques can be learned in advance with courses for pregnant women.

Step 2

Move more. Physical activity contributes to the expansion of the uterine pharynx, which leads to increased contractions.

Step 3

Stimulate your nipples. During this procedure, a hormone is released that stimulates the muscle contractions of the uterus. To do this, stroke them (one at a time) or tap them lightly with your fingertips. You will notice the contractions intensify after a few minutes. If this does not happen, then try to act on two nipples at the same time. At the same time, keep in mind that you will have to carry out the procedure for a long time.

Step 4

Drink a herbal tea that can help increase labor pains. Take in equal proportions thyme, lemon balm, mint, oregano, rose hips, currants, raspberry leaves. Mix everything. Take one tablespoon of the collection and brew the tea. Drink it during labor and after childbirth. Plus, tea can help you calm down and relax, which is essential during labor.

Step 5

Have sex. Most experts are inclined to believe that intercourse can intensify labor pains. Since a woman during orgasm produces oxytocin, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus. And semen contains a substance that softens its neck.

Step 6

Take a bath with warm water. This helps to relieve pain and increase contractions. Since water relieves tension in the abdominal muscles, and this contributes to the supply of oxygen to the uterus. As a result, it begins to actively contract. Just keep in mind that while doing this, someone must be nearby, helping you.
